Education and Training Monitor 2021
31.05.2022: Chart of the Month (May 2022)
Preserving democratic values through education: fostering students’ abilities to navigate a world of fake news
29.04.2022: Chart of the Month (April 2022) + Research Post
Physical school closures during the Covid-19 pandemic
The impact of Covid-19 on learning outcomes: what do we know?
31.03.2022: Chart of the Month (March 2022)
A gender perspective on education for global competence: spotlight on conflict solving
28.02.2022: Chart of the Month (February 2022)
Women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)
31.01.2022: Chart of the Month (January 2022)
Young people using internet for civic or political participation
17.12.2021: Chart of the Month (December 2021)
Cyberbullying during COVID-19 lockdown
09.12.2021: Release of the Education and Training Monitor 2021 at the 4th European Education Summit
What is the Education and Training Monitor?
The Education and Training Monitor gathers a wide range of evidence to show the evolution of national education and training systems across the European Union (EU) and measure countries’ progress towards the EU-level targets of the strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training towards the European Education Area and beyond (2021-2030).
The Monitor analyses key education challenges and recent policy developments at the EU and national levels. It highlights policy measures that can make European education systems more responsive to societal and labour market needs.
The Monitor comprises an EU-level analysis and 27 country reports . An overview on EU-level targets in education and training , an EU factsheet , EU infographics and an executive summary are also available.
The 2021 edition
The 2021 edition focuses on well-being in education and provides an overview of how the Recovery and Resilience Facility will support the modernisation of education and training systems in the EU.
More information about the Education summit
The European Education Summit is the annual flagship event of the European Education Area. It provides the opportunity to EU education ministers, education practitioners, stakeholders from across the EU to discuss ideas and best practices on key topics linked to the education and training in the European Union.
Its fourth edition was organised on 9 December 2021 and was focused on how to thrive on quality education and training in the European Union in the next decade.