REFIT Scoreboard
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The EU has some of the highest environmental standards in the world. Environmental policy aims to protect the EU’s natural capital, turn the EU into a green, resource-efficient economy, and safeguard EU citizens from environment-related pressures and risks to health and wellbeing.

To ensure that unnecessary costs are removed and rules are as effective and efficient as possible, since 2015 under REFIT, 22 initiatives have been adopted and 11 are pending adoption. Moreover, 24 evaluations have been finalised and 6 are ongoing.

Initiatives in the area of environment

1. Natura 2000 / EU nature legislation
2. The EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030
3. Wild animals in zoos
4. Protection of animals used for scientific purposes
5. Marine environment policy
6. Water Framework Directive
7. Drinking water Directive
8. Bathing water
9. Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive
11. Volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from petrol storage and distribution (Stage I and Stage II - Petrol Vapour Recovery)
12. Waste policy
13. Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)
14. Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS)
15. Batteries and accumulators Directive
16. Shipments of waste (Regulation (EC) 1013/2006)
17. End-of-life Vehicles
18. Industrial Emissions Directive
19. European Pollutant release and Transfer register (EPRTR)
20. Revision of EU Ambient Air Quality Legislation
21. Environmental liability
22. Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Pilot Programme
23. Infrastructure for spatial information (INSPIRE)
24. EMAS and EU Eco-label
25. Environmental noise
26. LIFE Programme
27. Environmental reporting initiative
28. Environmental compliance assurance
29. Access to justice in the area of environment
30. EU regulation against deforestation and forest-degradation
31. Packaging and packaging waste
32. Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation