europa.euREFIT Scoreboard
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Organic farming

Overall State of Play

• Commission proposal adopted by the Commission in March 2014, COM(2014)180
• Legal Act adopted on 30 May 2018: Regulation (EU) 2018/848 on organic production and labelling of organic products


The regulation harmonises and simplifies the rules for organic production by eliminating exceptions and flexibilities in order to create a level playing field for EU producers. While in the Official Control regulation it is better specified that organics is a part of the horizontal controls, the organic regulation lays down additional rules specific for the organic sector. The shift from equivalence of organic standards to compliance will also create a level playing field for imported goods. Moreover, the Regulation simplifies and clarifies the organic production rules.

Estimated savings and benefits

Due to the absence of data, the potential savings for operators could not be quantified.

The initiative will increase the competitiveness of EU operators by harmonising the rules within the EU and eliminating current flexibilities on imports. It will also reduce certification costs for operators, by application of the risk analysis criteria, introduction of group certification and fee transparency.