REFIT Scoreboard
← Agriculture and rural development

EU marketing standards for agricultural products

Overall state of play:

Commission proposal ongoing: to be adopted by the Commission in 2023
Evaluation – Finalised: SWD(2020) 230, 20.10.2020

State of play, main conclusions, outlook

The Commission is carrying out an impact assessment for the revision of EU marketing standards to take into account sustainability concerns1, following an evaluation finalised in 2020 that included an analysis of the coherence between the various pieces of legislation and the potential for simplification. The purpose of the latter was to inter alia determine whether the EU marketing standards for agricultural products fulfilled their objectives.

Based on the findings of the impact assessment, the Commission will consider the revision of EU marketing standards for agricultural products. Other than the possible consideration of sustainability in line with the Farm to Fork Strategy2, the other drivers for undertaking a legislative reform are the need to modernise outdated standards, simplification and alignment with the Lisbon Treaty.

REFIT Platform

The REFIT Platform considered the possible simplification of the EU regulatory framework on marketing standards for fresh fruit and vegetables and recommended that the Commission undertakes an evaluation to identify options for the future. Some members of the Government group recommended that the Commission examines the possibility of repeal, while several members considered that the standards should be maintained. Other Member States supported a review and simplification of the marketing standards.