europa.euREFIT Scoreboard
← Agriculture and rural development

Simplification of Common Market Organisation

Overall state of play:

Under implementation

State of play, main conclusions, outlook

Within the simplification exercise of the Common Market Organisation, the Commission reviews current regulations with the aim to simplify and reduce administrative burdens and increase the coherence between different sectors aligning them at the same time with Lisbon Treaty empowerments laid down in the Regulation on a Common Organisation of the Markets in agricultural products (Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013).

The initiative will rationalise the Commission-level regulations linked to the CMO Regulation by reducing more than 200 existing Commission Regulations into around 40 implementing and delegated acts.

Estimated savings and benefits

A qualitative analysis of the savings and benefits of the CMO simplification suggests:

• Higher economic efficiency of the EU regulatory framework

• Cuts in administrative burden for 1) economic actors 2) Member State administrations 3) Commission services, through the replacement of more than 200 Commission regulations by around 40 delegated and implementing regulations. This assessment assumes that it is possible to have a single delegated and implementing regulation for each major heading of the CMO, one legislative act and a number of non-legislative acts on marketing standards. The work on the latter is an action of the Farm to Fork Strategy announced for the first quarter of 2023 and will take into account the results of the evaluation on marketing standards that was finalised in October 2020 (SWD(2020)230), as well as the results of the impact assessment that will be finalised by the end of 2022.