Commission proposal – on-going, technical work is ongoing and political decisions are pending on the final approaches to be taken on this initiative.
Commission actions concerning the implementation of the Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 on Food Information to Consumers (FIC) – Commission notices adopted in 2017, 2018 and 2020; Food Labelling Information System available on Commission’s website (available since December 2020)
As announced in the Farm to Fork Strategy in May 2020 the Commission started work to revise the Food Information to Consumers (FIC) Regulation with a view to ensure better labelling information to help consumers make healthier and more sustainable food choices and tackle food waste, by proposing to:
• introduce harmonised mandatory front-of-pack nutrition labelling and set nutrient profiling criteria to restrict claims made on foods;
• extend mandatory origin or provenance information for certain products;
• revise the rules on date marking (‘use by’ and ‘best before’ dates).
In addition, the proposed revision of the FIC Regulation will follow up on the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan considering to:
• introduce mandatory indications of the list of ingredients and the nutrition declaration for all alcoholic beverages.
The Commission has also continued assisting in the implementation and application of rules of the FIC Regulation through several actions: guidance document, questions and answers on the application of the Regulation, specific databases.
In its opinion XI.13.a on "vegan food", the REFIT Platform recommended the European Commission to fulfil its obligation to adopt an implementing act on the criteria for voluntary food information related to the suitability of a food for vegetarians or vegans to avoid diverging national developments and a distortion of the EU market.
The Commission is focusing its efforts on the implementation of the actions announced in the Farm to Fork Strategy.