REFIT Scoreboard
← Health and food safety

Official controls on the agri-food chain

Overall state of play:

Commission proposal adopted on 6 May 2013, COM(2013)265
Legal act adopted: Regulation No 2017/625, 15 March 2017
Date of effect: 27 April 2018
Main application date: 14 December 2019

State of play, main conclusions, outlook

The Regulation aligns existing rules on official controls along the agri-food chain by eliminating regulatory overlaps. It applies the risk-based approach to all areas of the food chain and thus broadens the scope of the current rules, introducing an integrated comprehensive system which reduces unnecessary administrative burden caused by duplication of efforts. Hence the new regulation provides the prerequisites for a more targeted, rationalised and efficient response to non-compliances.

Estimated savings and benefits

More efficient controls and higher rates of compliance with agri-food chain requirements are expected to result in savings for competent authorities and for law abiding businesses. The integration of the system of official controls at borders will generate cost savings as a result of a more efficient use of resources.

Due to the limited availability of data, the savings have not been quantified.

REFIT Platform

In the REFIT Platform opinion on monitoring residues of veterinary medicines in foodstuffs of animal origin, a majority of the members of the Government group and some members of the Stakeholder group recommend that the Commission adopts general rules for Member States on risk-based control plans for residues of pharmacologically active substances. Both groups agree that the recommendation should not be seen as undermining policy objectives.

The Commission followed up on this opinion on veterinary medicinal residues in foodstuffs through new tertiary legislation.