1. Legal Gazette
1.1. Overview
Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana
(Official Gazette of the Italian Republic)
Published by:
Ministero della Giustizia — Servizio pubblicazione delle leggi e degli altri provvedimenti normativi e non normativi
(Ministry of Justice — Service for the publication of laws and other regulatory and non-regulatory provisions)
Via Arenula 70 — 00186 Roma
Tel. +39 0668897467
Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato
(State Mint)
Via Salaria, 691 — 00138 Roma
Tel. +39 0685081
Official journal / legal gazette |
In Italy there is a publication containing legislation as well as other content; see point 1.2 for details. |
First edition |
4 January 1860, named at that time Gazzetta ufficiale del Regno (Official Gazette of the Kingdom). This gazette originates from the Gazzetta piemontese, a regional law publication, issued for the first time on 3 January 1848. |
First online edition |
The authorities first published the legal gazette online in 1988. |
Paper edition |
Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica italiana
Printed for private subscribers only
EUR 438/year for the General series including supplements
Legally binding |
Online edition |
With free of charge and unlimited access since 2009 for all “Series”, that are available both in text format and in graphic format "PDF". |
CD/DVD edition |
Not applicable |
1.2. Details on the legal gazette in general
Content |
List of official gazettes:
- Part I: -General series (laws and decrees),
-1^ Special series constitutional Court decisions,
-2^ Special series: summaries of EU law,
-3^ Special series: regional law,
-4^ Special series: competitions,
-5^ Special series: public contracts, - tenders (bandi di gara).
- Part II: -commercial or judicial notices of public and private entities; examples:
-convening of meetings (convocazioni di assemblea),
-special section on pharmaceutical issues (specialità farmaceutiche).
-State property concessions (concessioni demaniali),
-etc, ...
Legal basis versions |
Law No 839 of 11 December 1984
Decree of the President of the Republic No 1092 of 28 December 1985
Decree of the President of the Republic No 217 of 14 March 1986
Decree legislative No 163 of 12 April 2006 |
Legally binding |
Paper version |
Financing |
-Subscriptions (only for the paper version)
-public funding
-publication request for tenders and commercial notices |
Other gazettes |
NB: In addition to the Gazzetta ufficiale, the Ministry of Justice publishes an official collection of all primary and secondary legislation in chronological order, the Raccolta ufficiale degli atti normativi della Repubblica italiana (Official Collection of Normative Acts of the Italian Republic).
All 20 regions (regioni) have their own legal gazettes. |
1.3. Details on the online edition
See also point 1.1
Functionalities |
The text format of acts published into Official Gazette are archived in a relational database. This allows you to search, for each series of Official Gazette, whole publications (using date and publication number) or the single acts published in them using the information of issue of the deed and/or one or more keywords contained in the text.
All Official Gazettes published from 1861 to today are also archived in PDF format and can be downloaded individually or in toto.
The Italian Official Gazette portal adopted since 2015 the European Legislation identifier (ELI), implementing fully the requirements of the ELI project.
Format description |
PDF and text formats
Authenticity |
The authenticity of the digital version of the Gazzetta Ufficiale is guaranteed through electronic signature. The certified PDF edition has been available since 1 January 2009. |
Archiving |
The Ministry of Justice (Directorate of Information Systems) is responsible for archiving the legal gazette before the publication of the electronic edition. The Codice dell’amministrazione digitale (Code for digital administration) is the legal basis for archiving electronic official texts in general, although not specifically for the Gazzetta ufficiale. |
1.4. Details on the publishing institution
responsible |
Ministero della Giustizia
(Ministry of Justice)
Via Arenula 70 — 00186 Rome RM
Tel. +39 0668851
Website: |
Publishing body |
Istituto poligrafico e zecca dello Stato
(State Mint)
For contact details, please refer to point 1.1 |
Form and nature of the publishing body |
Private company (sole shareholder: Ministry of Economic Affairs) |
Basic tasks of the publishing body |
- Pre-press: yes
- Printing: yes
- Dissemination/distribution: yes
- Legal gazette online: yes
- Legislation database: yes
- Consolidation: yes
Other services offered by the publishing body |
Online bookshop |
1.5. Drafting and publishing procedures
Text processing
systems |
Primary and secondary legislation are both processed through the GUFLOW system.
XML format
Workflow |
A single integrated electronic workflow system exists for drafting, adopting and publishing legislation. |
Publishing |
- The GUFLOW system also provides for proofreading and editing.
- A minimum period of one day is scheduled for the availability of the text after reception in the publishing workflow.
- Paper and electronic editions are derived from the same final text file, but the paper version is published afterwards.
2. Collections of consolidated Legislation
See full details >>
1. Italgiure
For details, see point 3.1
Body carrying out
consolidation |
Ministero della Giustizia,/br> Ministery of Justice |
Status of the
consolidated texts |
Semi-official collection |
Deadline for
consolidation |
15 days |
2. Normattiva
For details, see point 3.1
Body carrying out
consolidation |
Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
(Presidency of the Council of Ministers) |
Status of the
consolidated texts |
Semi-official collection |
Deadline for
consolidation |
3 days |
3. Legislative portals and online databases
3.1. Official portals
a. Gazzetta Ufficiale
Official Gazette of the Italian Republic
responsible |
Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato
(State Mint)
Content |
The Gazzetta ufficiale online (see point 1.3)
Access |
Free of charge |
b. Normattiva
Consolidated legislation on-line
responsible |
Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
(Presidency of the Council of Ministers)
Senato della Repubblica
(Senate of the Republic),
Camera dei Deputati
(House of Representatives),
Content |
"Normattiva" is a textual database that stores all legislative acts published in the Official Gazette from 1861 to today.
The database has been designed with the aim of presenting acts:
- with the text originally published in Official Gazette
- with the text in force on a date,
- but expecially in the text so-called "multivigente"
The term "multivigente" stands for the reconstruction of the life cycle of a legislative act with the explicit changes it has undergone over time. The textual part of documents is often associated with parts of the act in PDF graphic format; the "multivigenza", properly marked, applies to this format too. |
Access |
Free of charge |
Access via N-Lex |
Yes |
c. Parlamento - Leggi
(Parliament - Laws) 519
responsible |
Camera dei deputati/Senato della Repubblica (House of Representatives/Senate of the Republic) |
Content |
All primary legislation adopted since 9 March 1996 (publication without official character) |
Access |
Free of charge |
d. Italgiure
-Online legislation
responsible |
Corte di cassazione
(Supreme Court) |
Content |
- National legislation (original and consolidated versions — work in progress)
- Regional laws
- Codes
- EU legislation
- Circulars from the Ministry of Justice (titles of Italian legislation from 1865 to the present; legislative texts from 1905 to the present; texts from 1971 onwards with hyperlinks to related acts)
Access |
Access is fee-based for users outside of public administration and the judiciary; prices differ according to status (universities, lawyers, companies, etc.). Some files (archives) are accessible for free. |
3.2. Official databases
For information about official databases see point 3.1
3.3. Additional information: other commonly used legal databases