Czech Republic
1. Legal Gazette
1.1. Overview
Sbírka zákonů/Sbírka mezinárodních smluv
Collection of acts/Collection of international treaties
Published by:
Ministerstvo vnitra České republiky, Odbor strategického rozvoje a koordinace veřejné správy
(Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, Legislation and Coordination of Regulations Department)
Náměstí Hrdinů 1634/3 — 140 21 Prague 4
P.O. BOX 155
Czech Republic
Tel. +420 974816644
Official journal / legal gazette |
Since 2000 the legal gazette of the Czech Republic has consisted of two separate collections:
- Sbírka zákonů (Collection of acts)
- Sbírka mezinárodních smluv (Collection of international treaties)
Beside these two legal gazettes, there are also ‘official gazettes’ containing legal notices; see point 1.2 for details. |
First edition |
Sbírka zákonů České republiky, Ročník 1993, Částka 1, rozeslána dne 28. 12. 1992
(Collection of acts of the Czech Republic, Year 1993, Issue 1, published on 28 December 1992. Since then, the legal gazette has been split into the two current collections; see above.)
First online edition |
1 January 2000 |
Paper edition |
Sbírka zákonů/Sbírka mezinárodních
Collection of acts: CZK 6 000
(EUR 235)
Collection of international treaties: CZK 6 000
(EUR 235)
Legally binding |
Online edition |
Collection of acts and Collection of international treaties:
Available texts
PDF from 4 May 1945
Access and price
Free |
CD/DVD edition |
No CD/DVD edition |
1.2. Details on the legal gazette in general
Content |
- Sbírka zákonů (Collection of Acts): Various kinds of domestic legislation such as constitutional laws, laws, implementing regulations (secondary legislation), certain court decisions and notifications of central state authorities if provided for by special laws, as well as informational consolidated editions of selected laws that have been frequently or substantially amended.
- Sbírka mezinárodních smluv (Collection of International Treaties): international treaties and their amendments.
Both collections are issued in numbered items and each set is closed by the end of the calendar year. |
Legal basis |
The publication of legislation is based on Article 52(1) and (2) of the Constitution, which requires an act to be published to come into force.
A specific law constitutes the legal basis for the publication of the Sbírka zákonů/Sbírka mezinárodních smluv (Act No 309/1999 on the Sbírka zákonů/Sbírka mezinárodních smluv, as amended, and Act No 2/1969 on the establishment of ministries and other central authorities of state administration of the Czech Republic, as amended).
Methods of publication for acts and international treaties are laid down by special act (Act No 309/1999).
Starting on 1 January 2022, based on Act No 222/2016, two existing official journals will be replaced by one, Sbírka zákonů a mezinárodních smluv (Collection of Acts and International Treaties) with content combining the content of two previous collections. |
Legally binding |
Only the paper editions of both collections are legally binding (according to Section 12(2) of Act No 309/1999.)
NB: A system for the publication of legally binding versions of future single collection, both on paper and on the Internet, is being prepared (e-Sbírka system); based on Act No 222/2016 since 1 January 2022 this new system will be put into practice. |
Financing |
Sales revenue and state budget |
Other gazettes |
Apart from the two legal gazettes, there are also the following main ‘official gazettes’ containing official notices and other legal announcements:
- Sbírka právních předpisů hlavního města Prahy (Collection of legislation of Prague), with implementing regulations of Prague;
- Věstníky krajů (Regional bulletin) containing legislation for particular regions.
- Internet access to legislation of municipalities on web sites of particular municipalities (central system for publishing legislation of municipalities is being prepared by the Ministry of the Interior).
1.3. Details on the online edition
Collection of Acts and Collection of International Treaties:
See also point 1.1
Functionalities |
Download |
Format description |
Authenticity |
No special measures of security are used apart from standard system security measures ("https" access). |
Archiving |
The Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic is responsible for archiving. The legal basis for archiving electronic editions of legislation is Article 12(1) of Act No 309/1999. |
1.4. Details on the publishing institution
Ministerstvo vnitra České republiky, Odbor legislativy a koordinace předpisů spolu s Tiskárnou Ministerstva vnitra
(Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, Legislation and Coordination of Regulations Department in cooperation with Printing House of the Ministry of the Interior)
For contact details, please refer to point 1.1
Form and nature |
Part of the Ministry of the Interior |
Basic tasks |
- Pre-press: yes
- Printing: yes
- Dissemination/distribution: no
- Legal gazette online: yes
- Legislation database: no
- Consolidation: no
Other services offered |
Information on published issues of the Sbírka zákonů/Sbírka mezinárodních smluv including the texts on web site of the ministry. |
1.5. Drafting and publishing procedures
Text processing
systems |
- Use of predefined Microsoft Word templates
- Same systems used for primary and secondary legislation
- An integrated system called e-Legislativa (e-Legislation) is currently being prepared, to include processing drafts in XML format and consolidated versions, as well as a legally binding online edition including legally binding consolidated versions of legislation in the Sbírka zákonů a mezinárodních smluv (project e-Sbírka/e-Collection).The use of this system for drafting, workflow and signing the legislation will be mandatory since 1 January 2022 (Act No 222/2016).
Workflow |
There is no integrated electronic workflow system. Transmission is carried out mainly electronically. An integrated seamless electronic workflow system with mandatory use integrating systems of several institution (Office of Government, Chamber of Deputies, Senate)is being prepared as a part of the e-Legislativa project. The use of this system for workflow and publishing of legislation will be mandatory since 1 January 2022 (Act No 222/2016). |
Publishing |
- The Legislation and Coordination of Regulations Department in the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic ensures proofreading and editing in cooperation with a representative of the government body which proposed the bill.
- According to Article 10(2) of Act No 309/1999, the legislation must be published immediately. The time needed for publication depends, however, on the volume of legislation and the printing house’s capacity. The time may vary from 1 to 30 days, which is the statutory deadline for publishing. From a technical point of view, the minimum period is around 24 hours.
- Since 1 January 2020, the legislation is allowed to come into force only on 1 January or 1 July based on time of submission to promulgation. As an exception, legislation is allowed to come into force on other dates only in case of emergent legislation.
- Printing of both collections is carried out by the printing House of the Ministry of the Interior.
- Electronic and paper editions are derived from the same file and published on the same day.
- Starting 22 January 2022, future single collection will be published in electronic system e-Sbírka in legally binding electronic version. The legally binding paper version will be provided by the Printing House of the Ministry of the Interior.
2. Collections of consolidated Legislation
See full details >>
For the time being, there is no official collection of consolidated legislation available. The system of publication of legally binding electronic and paper editions of acts in consolidated legally binding form, called e-Sbírka (e-Collection), is being prepared. Part of the project is to create a free-of-charge online database containing the consolidated versions of both valid and derogated acts that have been published since 4 May 1945, and of all acts in force.
3. Legislative portals and online databases
3.1. Official portals
For the online edition of the Sbírka zákonů/Sbírka mezinárodních smluv, see point 1.3 and 2
3.2. Official databases
For the online edition of the Sbírka zákonů/Sbírka mezinárodních smluv, see point 1.3 and 2
3.3. Additional information: other commonly used legal databases