europa.euREFIT Scoreboard
← Employment, social affairs, inclusion and education

Written Statement Directive

Overall state of play:

Evaluation finalised SWD (2017) 205, 26.04.2017
Commission proposal: adopted in 2017, COM(2017)797
Legal act: Directive (EU) 2019/1152 on Transparent and predictable working conditions in the European Union adopted 20 June 2019

State of play, main conclusions, outlook

The REFIT evaluation found that the Directive increased certainty for both employers and employees and achieved EU added value. It contributed to the protection of workers and transparency on labour markets, with subsequent effects on the functioning of the internal market and the mobility of European workers.

The evaluation also found however that the Directive's effectiveness is hampered by several factors: gaps in the personal scope of the Directive (e.g. some new forms of employment); gaps in the 'information package' to be notified; issues of enforcement of the Directive, notably as to means of redress in case of non-compliance. The public consultation linked to the EU Pillar of Social Rights also highlighted the need to review the labour law acquis in the light of developments on the labour market and the growth of atypical forms of employment.

The Commission therefore published on 26.04.2017 a first-stage consultation document to consult social partners under TFEU Article 154 on a possible revision of the Written Statement Directive (C(2017)2611), alongside the REFIT evaluation (SWD(2017)205). A second-stage consultation document followed on 21.09.2017. The social partners did not initiate the process of dialogue with the aim of establishing contractual relations, including agreements, on the topic as provided for in Article 155 TFEU. Building on the views expressed in the social partners' consultation, the Commission has brought forward a proposal for a Directive on Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions in the European Union on 21.12.2017 (COM(2017)797).

The proposal was accompanied by an impact assessment (SWD (2017) 478 and SWD (2017) 479).

Estimated savings and benefits

The findings of the evaluation showed that the notification of a written statement to employees is not a disproportionate burden compared to the benefits it brings, e.g. legal certainty for both sides and less litigation. The average one-off administrative cost per employed person for all company sizes is estimated at less than 50 euros. Some scope for simplification was identified by the evaluation by confirming that companies may provide the information in a suitable electronic format.