Publications Office of the EU
Measure publications consumption through self-serviced analytics dashboard - Publications Office Web Guide
Measure publications consumption through self-serviced analytics dashboards

Measure publications consumption through self-serviced analytics dashboards

Last updated: 3/6/2024

The web analytics service provides essential data concerning the traffic on the Office's websites. These services offer detailed insights into specific website visitors, including information about their devices, browser languages, document downloads and more. This data facilitates a deeper understanding of users' interests and requirements, enabling the Office to enhance its web services accordingly.

It is available to EU staff using EU Login following prior authorisation by Unit A.5.003.

EU Publications Analytics dashboard

Is a self-service analytical platform that provides insights into the digital and print performance of EU publications. It covers the consumption of publications on the EU Publications website and on various EU and non-EU sites that use Publication Office widgets or links. It also shows data on physical distribution extracted from the Publications Office’s ordering system (OPDS).

EU Legal Documents Analytics dashboard

The EU Legal documents analytics is a self-service analytics platform giving access to the performance-related data of legal documents consulted through the EUR-Lex and EU Publications website.

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