Image of all European Union flags.

Image of European Union stars surrounding the world and children.The European Union’s Plan for Children’s Rights

Picture of a leaflet.

This leaflet talks about a new plan for children’s rights.

Picture of EU symbol, stars in a circle representing the European Union.

The plan has been written by the European Union.

The European Union is 27 countries that work together.

The European Union is also known as the EU.

Picture of adult making a promise to a child.

Children’s rights are promises that adults have made so children can have a good life.

Did you know?

Picture of symbol for United Nations.

The biggest set of children’s rights promises is called the United Nations Convention on the Rights of The Child.

Here are some examples of children’s rights

Picture of traffic lights.
  • To be safe.
Picture of a playground.
  • To play.
Picture of a child reading a book.
  • To learn.
Picture of a group of children talking to each other.
  • To have a say.

The plan says that the EU will do the following things.

Picture of an adult in a classroom teaching lots of adults about children’s rights.
  • Teach adults about children’s rights.
Picture of adult hand holding money.
  • Spend money on things that are needed for children to enjoy their rights.
Picture of adults thinking about how to help children get a good education.
  • Think about how to make children’s rights happen.

Top six things in the plan

Picture of a leaflet.

The plan says that the EU wants to do six things.

Picture of EU symbol, stars in a circle representing the European Union.

The EU wants to make sure that:

Picture of a group of children talking to each other.

1. All children have a say.

Picture of a school. Picture of an ambulance.

2. Children are able to get a good education and get the right help from a doctor or hospital when they need to.

Picture of a family with a shopping trolley of food.

Families have enough money.

Picture of traffic lights.

3. Children are safe.

Picture of a police car. Picture of a judge.

4. Children are treated fairly by the police, lawyers and judges.

Picture of a computer. Picture of a young girl on her smartphone.

5. Children can use computers and phones and be safe.

Picture of children in a circle with the world in the middle.

6. All children in the world can enjoy their rights.

Did you know?

When making the plan the EU talked to lots of people, including 10,000 children.

This child-friendly version of the EU Strategy on Children’s Rights (The Plan) has been produced in partnership with children themselves. Two groups of children and young people from two schools in Dublin, Ireland, were brought together by the Centre for Children’s Rights at Queen’s University in Belfast, Northern Ireland. They worked together to decide how the key messages of ‘The Plan’ should be explained to children in this booklet.

The European Commision would like to give special thanks to: Bremore Educate Together Secondary School, teachers Kathy and Janice, and students Hamilton, Alex, Stuart, Katie, Joseph, Molly and Niamh; and St Joseph’s Secondary School (Rush), teachers Darren, Judy, Kevin and Louise, and students Ellie, Cohen, Mollie, Joshua, Christopher, Evan, Jake, Kelsie, Monika, Cordelia, Stephen and Oisin.

The accessibility of the document was ensured by the Publications Office of the European Union.

Print ISBN 978-92-76-31001-3 doi:10.2838/792958 DS-03-21-113-EN-C
PDF ISBN 978-92-76-30999-4 doi:10.2838/097198 DS-03-21-113-EN-N
HTML ISBN 978-92-76-31002-0 doi:10.2838/153175 DS-03-21-113-EN-Q

Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2021

© European Union, 2021

Cover page, Globe, Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

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