Publications Office of the EU
Agenda - Public Procurement Data Superpowers
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08:30 - 09:00

Registration and coffee

date: 29 April 2024
trackOrder: 10
sessionThemeOrder: 1010
time: 08:30 - 09:00

09:00 - 09:45

Welcome address and keynote speeches

date: 29 April 2024
trackOrder: 10
sessionThemeOrder: 1010
time: 09:00 - 09:45

Moderator: Dominika Uhrikova, Publications Office of the European Union

  • Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for Budget and Administration (via video message)
  • Hilde Hardeman, Director-General, Publications Office of the European Union
  • Kerstin Jorna, Director-General, DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission
  • Eric Van den Abeele, Counsellor for Internal Market, Better Regulation, Competition & State Aid, Public Procurement and Industry, Permanent Representation of Belgium to the European Union

09:45 - 10:45

Plenary session

Transparency in public procurement - Data availability

date: 29 April 2024
trackOrder: 10
sessionThemeOrder: 1010
time: 09:45 - 10:45

Publishing, the first step towards transparency

Moderator: Jule Elkenhans, Publications Office of the European Union

Topics: new TED website, case studies

  • "How to make the most of the new TED website” by Laura von Weissenberg – Publications Office of the European Union
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  • “The challenges in ensuring data publication. Do we know the potential of this date? How to transmit it to the community to guarantee Transparency in public contracts? - A case study from Portugal” by Claudia Guerreiro – Portuguese Public Procurement Regulator (IMPIC)
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  • “Transparency in public procurement – data availability: A case study from Albania” by Jonaid Myzyri – Public Procurement Commission of Albania
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10:45 - 11:00

Coffee break

date: 29 April 2024
trackOrder: 20
sessionThemeOrder: 2010
time: 10:45 - 11:00

11:00 - 13:00

Plenary session

Transparency in public procurement - Data quality

date: 29 April 2024
trackOrder: 30
sessionThemeOrder: 3010
time: 11:00 - 13:00

Standards for quality data: how do eForms help to get high quality data?

Moderator: Karl Ferrand, Publications Office of the European Union

Topics: eForms implementation

  • “eForms in Belgium – an anthology of our metadata-driven approach” by Michaël De Winne from FPS BOSA, Belgium
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  • “eForms implementation in Estonia. No pain, no gain?” by Maarika Tork from the Public Procurement Register, Estonia
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  • “Better data through better user experience – Implementing eForms with the help of robotics” by Petteri Pohto from Hansel, Finland
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  • “Implementation as an eSender of the new eForms (eNotices2) on the public procurement platform in the Basque Country” by Liliana Méndez Maeso from Public procurement platform in Euskadi, Spain - Basque Country
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  • “The importance of the narrative to succeed with digital transformation” by Rune Kjørlaug from the Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management, Norway
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13:00 - 14:00


date: 29 April 2024
trackOrder: 40
sessionThemeOrder: 4010
time: 13:00 - 14:00

14:00 - 15:45

Parallel session 1

Transparency in public procurement - Data readability

date: 29 April 2024
trackOrder: 50
sessionThemeOrder: 5010
time: 14:00 - 15:45

Uses of procurement data

Moderator: Inmaculada Farfan Velasco, Publications Office of the European Union

Topics: reusers of TED data

  • “Analytics & automation for public sector sales” by Stefan Morcov from Hermix
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  • “Generative AI Meets Procurement Data - How combining GenAI and procurement data improves the sleep of suppliers (and helps drive economic growth)” by Flemming Madsen from Tenderlake
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  • “Why our customers sleep so well” by Rogier Rijkers from EBP/ABK
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  • “Obstacles to efficient reuse of procurement data” by Samuel Repfennig from Tendium
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  • “How transparency enables competitive and efficient tendering” by Ben Praet from Tender Experts
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14:00 - 15:45

Parallel session 2

Transparency in public procurement - Data quality

date: 29 April 2024
trackOrder: 50
sessionThemeOrder: 5020
time: 14:00 - 15:45

Standards for quality data: how do standards help to get high quality data?

Moderator: Guillaume Jacquet, Publications Office of the European Union

Topics: eProcurement ontology, European Single Procurement Document, eForms, Universal Business Language, EU Vocabularies and reference data

  • “eProcurement Ontology - Enabling data quality by defining the data concepts used in end-to-end procurement" by Natalie Muric, Publications Office of the European Union
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  • “EU Vocabularies and reference data” by Anikó Gerencsér, Publications Office of the European Union
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  • “Streamlining Public Procurement with OASIS UBL” by Kenneth Bengtsson, OASIS UBL Technical Committee
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  • “European Single Procurement Document - Standards and data quality” by Paloma Arillo Aranda, Publications Office of the European Union
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  • “eForms - Facilitator for Better Data Quality” by Marc Christopher Schmidt, DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission
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15:45 - 16:00

Coffee break

date: 29 April 2024
trackOrder: 70
sessionThemeOrder: 7010
time: 15:45 - 16:00

16:00 - 17:45

Plenary session

Transparency in public procurement - Data availability

date: 29 April 2024
trackOrder: 80
sessionThemeOrder: 8010
time: 16:00 - 17:45

Extracting knowledge from data

Moderator: Luca Martinelli, Publications Office of the European Union

Topics: reuse cases and research projects

  • “Putting procurement data analytics into action: from Opentender to iMonitor” by Ágnes Czibik from the Government Transparency Institute
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  • “The Future of Procurement Data Architecture in the EU” by Karolis Granickas from Open Contracting Partnership
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  • “Beyond the single bidder problem” by Tünde Tátrai from the Corvinus University of Budapest
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  • “Public procurement data – driver for digital transformation” by János Bertók from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
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  • “Repository of existing projects on transparency in public procurement – The case of Contract Registers in the EU” by Isabel Rosa from the Portuguese Public Procurement Regulator (IMPIC)
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  • “Data analysis for European public procurement (2012–2022) based on TED open data” by Manuel García from the University of Oviedo
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17:45 - 18:15

Plenary session

Transparency in public procurement - Data availability

date: 29 April 2024
trackOrder: 80
sessionThemeOrder: 8020
time: 17:45 - 18:15

Prize ceremony for winners of the TED Ambassador award

Moderator: Cécilia Charlier, Publications Office of the European Union

TED ambassador winners present at the ceremony:

  • Alina Bilan
  • Pedro Cerqueira Gomes
  • Ioannis Fountoukidis
  • Aris Georgopoulos
  • Désirée Klingler
  • Aristotelis Mavidis
  • Gabriella Racca
  • Tongle Si
  • Felippe Vilaca Loureiro Santos

18:15 - 19:00

Networking cocktail

date: 29 April 2024
trackOrder: 95
sessionThemeOrder: 9510
time: 18:15 - 19:00

08:30 - 09:00


date: 30 April 2024
trackOrder: 10
sessionThemeOrder: 1010
time: 08:30 - 09:00

09:00 - 10:15

Plenary session

Transparency in public procurement - Data interoperability

date: 30 April 2024
trackOrder: 20
sessionThemeOrder: 2010
time: 09:00 - 10:15

Linking data for transparency

Moderator: David Dowey, Publications Office of the European Union

Topics: Public Procurement data space, Linked Open Data

  • “PPDS - The Way Forward” by Marc Christopher Schmidt from the DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission
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  • “A case of reuse of open public procurement data” by Giovanni Paolo Sellitto from ANAC (Italian Anti-Corruption Agency)
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  • “Public Procurement Open Data Web Service” by Ioannis Rousochatzakis from the Publications Office of the European Union
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  • “Public Procurement Procedures - Increased transparency & findability through AI & CPV enrichment” by Razvan-Petru Radu from the Publications Office of the European Union
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10:15 - 10:30

Coffee break

date: 30 April 2024
trackOrder: 30
sessionThemeOrder: 3010
time: 10:15 - 10:30

10:30 - 11:45

Plenary session

Transparency in public procurement – Harnessing AI

date: 30 April 2024
trackOrder: 40
sessionThemeOrder: 4020
time: 10:30 - 11:45

How can AI help foster transparency?

Moderator: Marc Küster, Publications Office of the European Union

Topics: AI solutions and challenges

  • "TED data transparency using AI - Harnessing AI approaches to solve practical problems” by David Dowey from the Publications Office of the European Union
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  • “Using AI and LLMs to discover the hidden treasure in tender data” by Costas Economopoulos from Cube RM
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  • "Ted Data Quality Auditing and Improvement Solution” by George Vernardos from the Publications Office of the European Union and Anoop Kumar, Data expert
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  • "If we had the data, would AI help foster transparency?” by Albert Sanchez Graells from the University of Bristol Law School
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11:45 - 12:45


Steps ahead: engaging with data power

date: 30 April 2024
trackOrder: 40
sessionThemeOrder: 4030
time: 11:45 - 12:45

Welcoming new ideas, expressing needs, how can TED evolve?

Moderator: Karl Ferrand and Laura von Weissenberg, Publications Office of the European Union

12:45 - 13:00


date: 30 April 2024
trackOrder: 60
sessionThemeOrder: 6010
time: 12:45 - 13:00

13:00 - 14:00


date: 30 April 2024
trackOrder: 70
sessionThemeOrder: 7020
time: 13:00 - 14:00

14:00 - 16:00

Speed dating

date: 30 April 2024
trackOrder: 80
sessionThemeOrder: 8020
time: 14:00 - 16:00

Speed dating (participants will have the possibility to network, ask questions and shortly talk in particularly with speakers and staff from the Publications Office and other Commissions services.)