Publications Office of the EU
About us: our tenders - Dwar l-uffiċċju tal-pubblikazzjonijiet
Our tenders - Our tenders Procurement of the Publications Office

L-offerti tagħna

Akkwist tal-Uffiċċju tal-Pubblikazzjonijiet

F’din it-taqsima ssib sejħiet għall-offerti mill-Uffiċċju tal-Pubblikazzjonijiet, elenkati skont l-ordni tal-isk adenza li jmiss. Billi tikklikkja fuq it-titlu, issib il-paġna relatata fil-bażi tad-data TED (il-format elettroniku online tas-S uppliment tal-Ġurnal Uffiċjali tal-Unjoni Ewropea), u l-files relatati kollha, bħal speċifikazzjonijiet jew kjarifiki. Jekk, minfl ok, tixtieq tagħmel tiftixa usa’ għal sejħiet għall-offerti mill-UE, jekk jogħġbok żur it-TED u agħmel it-tiftixa tiegħek direttament hemmhekk.

Avviżi ta’ informazzjoni minn qabel

Avviżi ta’ informazzjoni minn qabel

Referenza tat-TED Titlu Status Data tal-bidu Data tal-għeluq

Bħalissa ma hemm ebda dokument f’din il-kategorija

There are currently no documents in this category



Data ta' pubblikazzjoniReferenza TEDTitlu
10/06/20242024-340778 Luxembourg – IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support – Managed services Digital analytics
10/06/20242024-340588 Luxembourg – IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support – OP Portal Managed Services
06/05/20242024-266377 Luxembourg – Publishing services – Editorial assistance for production, translation and maintenance of the Summaries of EU legislation
22/03/20242024-174742 Luxembourg – IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support – Managed services Digital analytics
22/03/20242024-174339 Luxembourg – IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support – OP Portal Managed Services
sejħa għall-offerti

Sejħiet għall-Offerti

Referenza tat-TED Titlu Status Data tal-bidu Data tal-għeluq

There are currently no documents in this category

Call for tenders
Data ta' pubblikazzjoniReferenza TEDTitluData finali għas-sottomissjoni
10/06/20242024-339674 Belgium, Luxembourg – Technical analysis or consultancy services – Audit and consultancy in the domain of long-term digital preservation 17/07/2024
17/05/20242024-291298 Luxembourg – IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support – Provision of IT services related to OJS applications 15/07/2024
06/05/20242024-267134 Luxembourg – IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support – Production of audiovisuals, mobile applications, electronic publications based on HTML, video games, applications based on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technologies, and publications with interactive information visualisations 05/06/2024
23/04/20242024-241593 France, Belgium, Luxembourg – Data-processing services – Digitisation and related services 05/06/2024
12/04/20242024-218399 Luxembourg – IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support – Production of audiovisuals, mobile applications, electronic publications based on HTML, video games, applications based on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technologies, and publications with interactive information visualisations 05/06/2024
07/02/20242024-80938 Luxembourg – Computer support and consultancy services – Provision of project management and other related services for the IT activities of the Publications Office 28/02/2024
07/02/20242024-80263 Luxembourg – Printed books – Supply of books in paper format, as well as yearbooks, updates and monographic series in paper and/or electronic format 15/03/2024
22/12/20232023-783576 Luxembourg – Computer support and consultancy services – Provision of project management and other related services for the IT activities of the Publications Office 21/02/2024
Table title - calls for expressions of interest

Sejħiet għal espressjonijiet ta' interess

Data ta' pubblikazzjoniReferenza TEDTitluData finali għas-sottomissjoni
23/07/20212021-371595 Luxembourg-Luxembourg: Call for Expression of Interests for Building a List of Experts 23/04/2026
03/06/20222022-294710 Luxembourg-Luxembourg: Call for Expression of Interest for Building a List of Experts 03/03/2027
19/02/20242024-100702 Luxembourg-Luxembourg: Notice of Call for Expressions of Interest 07/11/2028
Our tenders - Download forms:
Our tenders - Negotiated procedures

Proċeduri nnegozjati

Bħalissa ma hemm ebda dokumenti f’din il-kategorija

L-offerti tagħna - Listi tal-Kuntratti

Listi tal-Kuntratti

Il-lista ta’ kuntratti konklużi fis-sena preċedenti, skont ċerti limiti ta’ valur previsti fid-direttivi dwar l-akkwist pubbliku, li għalihom ma ġewx ippubblikati avviżi speċifiċi ta’ għoti ta’ kuntratti, kif ukoll informazzjoni dwar kuntratti speċifiċi magħmula mill-Uffiċċju tal-Pubblikazzjonijiet fis-sena preċedenti kontra kuntratti qafas tista’ tinstab fis-Sistema ta’ Trasparenza Finanzjarja (FTS) fil-link li ġejja:

Our tenders - Download amendments of the existing contracts
Our tenders - Procurement procedures at the Publications Office


Sejħiet għall-offerti preċedenti


Proċeduri ta' akkwist fl-Uffiċċju tal-Pubblikazzjonijiet

Dikjarazzjoni ta' privatezza għall-protezzjoni tad-dejta personali