Publications Office of the EU
About us: our tenders - O Uradu za publikacije
Our tenders - Our tenders Procurement of the Publications Office

Naši razpisi

Javna naročila Urada za publikacije

V tem razdelku so objavljeni javni razpisi Urada za publikacije glede na prihodnje roke. S klikom naslova boste odprli ustrezno stran v zbirki podatkov TED (v elektronski obliki Dodatka k Uradnemu listu Evropske unije) ter vse povezane dokumente z dodatnimi informacijami in pojasnili. Če želite poiskati več javnih razpisov iz EU, obiščite portal TED in iščite neposredno tam.

Prior information notices

Predhodna informativna obvestila

Ref. št. TED Naslov Status Začetek Končni datum

V tej kategoriji trenutno ni dokumentov.

There are currently no documents in this category




Datum izdajeRef. št. TEDNaslov
10/06/20242024-340778 Luxembourg – IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support – Managed services Digital analytics
10/06/20242024-340588 Luxembourg – IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support – OP Portal Managed Services
06/05/20242024-266377 Luxembourg – Publishing services – Editorial assistance for production, translation and maintenance of the Summaries of EU legislation
22/03/20242024-174742 Luxembourg – IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support – Managed services Digital analytics
22/03/20242024-174339 Luxembourg – IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support – OP Portal Managed Services
razpis za zbiranje ponudb

Razpisi za zbiranje ponudb

Ref. št. TED Naslov Status Začetek Končni datum

There are currently no documents in this category

Call for tenders
Datum izdajeRef. št. TEDNaslovRok za prijavo interesa
10/06/20242024-339674 Belgium, Luxembourg – Technical analysis or consultancy services – Audit and consultancy in the domain of long-term digital preservation 17/07/2024
17/05/20242024-291298 Luxembourg – IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support – Provision of IT services related to OJS applications 15/07/2024
06/05/20242024-267134 Luxembourg – IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support – Production of audiovisuals, mobile applications, electronic publications based on HTML, video games, applications based on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technologies, and publications with interactive information visualisations 05/06/2024
23/04/20242024-241593 France, Belgium, Luxembourg – Data-processing services – Digitisation and related services 05/06/2024
12/04/20242024-218399 Luxembourg – IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support – Production of audiovisuals, mobile applications, electronic publications based on HTML, video games, applications based on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technologies, and publications with interactive information visualisations 05/06/2024
07/02/20242024-80938 Luxembourg – Computer support and consultancy services – Provision of project management and other related services for the IT activities of the Publications Office 28/02/2024
07/02/20242024-80263 Luxembourg – Printed books – Supply of books in paper format, as well as yearbooks, updates and monographic series in paper and/or electronic format 15/03/2024
22/12/20232023-783576 Luxembourg – Computer support and consultancy services – Provision of project management and other related services for the IT activities of the Publications Office 21/02/2024
Table title - calls for expressions of interest

Razpisi za prijave interesa

Datum izdajeRef. št. TEDNaslovRok za prijavo interesa
23/07/20212021-371595 Luxembourg-Luxembourg: Call for Expression of Interests for Building a List of Experts 23/04/2026
03/06/20222022-294710 Luxembourg-Luxembourg: Call for Expression of Interest for Building a List of Experts 03/03/2027
19/02/20242024-100702 Luxembourg-Luxembourg: Notice of Call for Expressions of Interest 07/11/2028
Our tenders - Download forms:
Our tenders - Negotiated procedures

Postopki s pogajanjem

V tem razdelku trenutno ni dokumentov

Our tenders - Lists of Contracts

Seznam pogodb

Seznam pogodb, sklenjenih v preteklem letu pod določenimi mejnimi vrednostmi, predvidenimi v direktivah o javnih naročilih, za katere posebna obvestila o oddaji naročil niso bila objavljena, ter informacije o posebnih pogodbah, ki jih je Urad za publikacije sklenil v pr ejšnjem letu na podlagi okvirnih pogodb, so na voljo v sistemu finančne preglednosti na naslednji povezavi:

Our tenders - Download amendments of the existing contracts
Our tenders - Procurement procedures at the Publications Office


Prejšnji razpisi


Postopki za oddajo javnih naročil pri Uradu za publikacije

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