Publications Office of the EU
Upphandling - Om publikationsbyrån
Procurements - Statement

Publikationsbyråns upphandlingar

På den här sidan hittar du Publikationsbyråns upphandlingar, ordnade efter deadline. När du klickar på titeln kommer du till rätt sida i TED-databasen (webbversionen av tillägget till EU:s officiella tidning) och tillhörande filer, t.ex. specifikationer eller förtydliganden. All publicerad information om Publikationsbyråns upphandlingar (förhandsmeddelanden, meddelanden om upphandling och tilldelning av kontrakt samt årliga förteckningar över uppdragstagare) finns i TED-databasen.

Procurements - Prior Infromation notice



AO 10862 – Provision of a stapler and associated services

The Publications Office of the European Union is planning to launch a negotiated procedure (middle-value procedure – below EUR 140 000) for the provision of a booklet maker module, “stand-alone”, equipped with a feeder and full maintenance.

The companies or individuals interested in participating in the abovementioned call for tenders are requested to inform the Publications Office by sending an e-mail to no later than Friday 4 March 2022 at 16:00 (CET).
The e-mail must be accompanied by a short description of the economic activities of the company (or individual) with regard to the subject of the procedure (maximum of three (3) A4 pages), which will be used to assess the company's eligibility to participate.

The subject (title) of the e-mail must be ‘AO 10862 – Provision of a stapler and associated services’ and the e-mail itself must indicate the name and postal address of the interested party, the e-mail address to which the tender documents should be sent and the name of a contact person wherever possible.

The documentation related to this invitation to tender is only available in French.

Please note that this announcement does not commit the Publications Office to launching the announced middle-value procedure or to inviting all eligible candidates to present an offer.

Procurements - Calls for tenders


Procurements - Call for expression fo interest

Inbjudan till intresseanmälan

The Publications Office of the European Union has launched with its partners (the ELI Task Force, the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs of the European Commission and the European Food Safety Authority) the EU Datathon 2018. Its purpose is to highlight the potential of linking EU and national data. The EU Datathon 2018 is a competition where teams of participants have to develop web or mobile applications, which meet the objectives of the competition. To this end, they shall use at least one dataset produced by the EU Institutions or Agencies available on the EU Open Data Portal, combined or not with others from local, national or supranational government bodies.
For more details and registration, please see

Procurements - Negotiated procedures

Förhandlade förfaranden

Det finns för tillfället inga dokument i den här kategorin

Procurements - Annual List of Contracts

Årliga lista över kontrakt


The list of contracts concluded in the previous year, under certain value thresholds foreseen in the public procurement directives, for which specific contract award notices have not been published, as well as information concerning specific contracts made by the Publications Office in the previous year against framework contracts can be found in the Financial Transparency System (FTS) under the following link:

Amendments of the existing contracts

2020 Amendments of the existing contracts 





Amendments of the existing contracts

Amendments of the existing contracts

Amendments of the existing contracts

Amendments of the existing contracts

Procurement - link to archives
Legal notice procurement

Procurement procedures at the Publications Office

Privacy statement for the protection of personal data