High-quality architecture is for everyone.

Why this report? Access to quality housing, outdoor space and natural recreation are hugely important to our existence and wellbeing. But for too long the overall objective of quality architecture has been neglected. A liveable, high-quality built environment is as much about connecting people and strengthening social cohesion as it is about creating spaces for public encounters. These are some of the key messages of the report compiled by a group of experts from all over Europe.

Thumbnail of the cover of the report.
Get into action

There is a Momentum.

There is now a sense of urgency to shift our thinking from people to the planet and to act on climate change - but this development should not take its toll on citizens’ quality of life. Find out how you can contribute to a better living environment for everyone in a way that benefits both citizens and the environment.

Get into action
Timeline graph

Focus on quality

1988: The European Union Prize for Contemporary architecture 1988
EU Mies Awards 2001 - Young Talent architecture Award YTAA 2016

1987: European Forum for Architectural policies
EFAP 1997 - 2017, continued since as ECAP conferences

2001: Council resolustion


2008: Council conclisions

2015: UN Agenda 2030

2016: Urban agenda for the EU 2016 - 2021

2018: Davos Declaration2018 > process
Baukultur Quality System2021

2019: Davos Declaration2018 > process
Baukultur Quality System2021

2020: New European Bauhaus
2020 New Leipziig Charter


