Publications Office of the EU
Information Seminar for EU institutions and agencies - Information Seminar for EU institutions and agencies
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Asset Publisher

The new EU Legal Deposit scheme:
what’s in it for you?


General introduction by Hilde Hardeman,
Director-General of the Publications Office of the EU


News from the Publications Office

Speaker: Nik Petalas




Indiana Jones … and the lost report

To paraphrase: 'a publication isn’t just for Christmas, it’s for life'. Here at the Publications Office we regularly receive requests for EU publications dating back many years. Thankfully we are able to satisfy the majority of these requests from the existing EU collection curated by us on your behalf. But every so often, we receive a request for a report that isn’t in our collection – and then the search begins.

Find out how you can help be part of our efforts to complete the collection of EU publications.


Speaker: Sergio Butelli


The story of the EU Legal Deposit scheme

Legal deposit schemes exist in most Member States of the EU with an aim to preserving the cultural heritage of each country. But until now there has been no such scheme for the content of the EU institutions. Learn more about the history of such schemes and why they are even more relevant today.


Speaker: Carol Riccalton


Pub quiz

Test your knowledge on the world of publications.


Speaker: Glen Campbell




How can I become part of the story?

In conversation with Jan Vandamme, a Library & Metadata Coordinator in Eurofound, we look at the various steps in the publications’ deposit process.

This session will give you practical information on the identification, publication and archiving workflow.


Speakers: Ewa Dessaignes, Jan Vandamme and Dorota Minkiewicz


What’s my reward?

The scheme brings very real benefits not only to you but also to your audiences.  Discover how being part of the scheme will save you time and increase the impact of your publications.


Speaker: Izabela Szyprowska and Fotini Kaparelou


Archives: building and preserving stories

A document has been published, has reached its public, and had served its purpose.  What’s the point, then, to archive it?  This session explains what archives are and are not and – more importantly – the value they provide.

We then describe the new long-term preservation challenges brought by the digitalisation of our societies, and the new ways we communicate information to audiences – digital documents, yes, but also… websites?


Speaker: Alexandre Angers and Silvia Sevilla


A timeline of EU publications

Guess what were the most discussed topics in EU publications through the decades.


Speakers: Carol Riccalton and Alexandre Angers


Bite-sized ‘how to search like a pro’

At the end of the seminar, pick up some tips & tricks on how to improve your search strategy for EU content, as a teaser to our full training course Search Like a Pro on EU Learn.


Speaker: Taavi Saarimaki

