Publications Office of the EU
ELI Workshop - Access & Reuse Conference
ELI Workshop

ELI Workshop

European Legislation Identifier (ELI) – Facilitating interoperability in the context of legal information

The European Legislation Identifier (ELI) is a new tool based on semantic technology, which is used to interconnect legislative documents. It has been established on the initiative of EU Member States and EU Institutions to make legislation available online in a more harmonised way and to facilitate exchanging, accessing and reusing legal information across borders.

This session looked at the origin of the ELI initiative, its objectives and the current state if its implementation, highlighting at the same time the benefits if offers both to its adopters and users.

It was aimed primarily at public officials responsible for the production and dissemination of legal information, but it was also followed with great interest by academics, students, librarians and other information management professionals.

Harolds Celms

Harolds Celms

Director at the Publications Office of the European Union

ELI Workshop Documents
Agenda ELI Workshop

Workshop Agenda

Brussels, Charlemagne building, 21 March 2016

  • 14:00 - 14:05  Welcome and introduction by Valeria Sciarrino
    Head of Unit, Official Journals and Case Law, Publications Office of the EU
  • 14:05 - 14:15  The ELI system — the way forward by John Dann
    Chair of ELI Task Force, Deputy Director, Central Legislation Service, Ministry of State of Luxembourg presentation by John Dann,Chair of ELI Task Force
  • 14:15 - 14:20  Support provided to the ELI project via the ISA programme by Vassilios Peristeras
    Programme Manager, interoperability solutions for European public administrations (ISA),Directorate-General for Informatics, European Commission presentation by Vassilios Peristeras
  • 14:20 - 14:40  How to implement ELI — overview of the three ELI pillars by Thomas Francart
    Independent Consultant on Web of Data and Knowledge Organisation presentation by Thomas Francart
  • 14:40 - 16:20  ELI implementation in Member States and at EU level
    • Denmark: ELI-fication of an existing legal information system, Søren Broberg Nielsen, Head of Division, Legal Information Division, Department of Civil Affairs, Ministry of Justice
       presentation by Søren Broberg Nielsen
    • France: ELI implementation in France, Jean-Michel Thivel,Head of the General Issues Office at the Secretariat-General for European Affairs, SGAE, and Patrice Platel, Deputy Head to the organisation mission of the Secretariat-General of the Government Office, SGG
       presentation byJean-Michel Thivel
    • Ireland: ELI implementation for the electronic Irish Statute Book (eISB), Gerry Matthews, eISB project team, Office of the Attorney General
    • Italy: ELI implementation in Italy, Antonio Antetomaso, Engineering and Industrialisation projects, Business and Solutions Development, Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato S.p.A.
       presentation by Antonio Antetomaso
    • Luxembourg: ELI implementation in Luxembourg, John Dann, Deputy Director, Central Legislation Service, Ministry of State
       presentation by John Dann
    • United Kingdom: UK ELI implementation, Catherine Tabone, Data Manager in the Legislation Services Department of The National Archives
       presentation by Catherine Tabone
    • Publications Office of the EU: ELI developments at the Publications Office: ELI on EURLex and Cellar on Join-UP, Marc Küster, Head of the Storage and Electronic Archiving Section of the Postproduction Reception, Validation and Cellar Management Unit
       presentation by  Marc Küster
    • Publications Office of the EU: ELI with regards to xml and other standards, Maria Kardami, Formats and Linguistic Informatics, Enterprise Architecture, Methods and Formats
       presentation by Maria Kardami
  • 16:20 - 16:40  ELI use cases
    • Introduction: Open Law France, Jean Delahousse, Semantic Web Consultant  presentation by Jean Delahousse
    • Reuse of ELI metadata: operational use cases with LegiFrance and Cellar data, Pierre Larrède presentation by Pierre Larrède, Légifrance Product Manager, DILA,Florent André, Entrepreneur and CTO of presentation by Florent André
    • Easing companies’ regulatory watch through ELI, Bruno Mathis, Engagement Manager, Sterwen Consulting presentation by Bruno Mathis
  • 16:40 - 16:45  Conclusion by Valeria Sciarrino
    Head of Unit, Official Journals and Case Law, Publications Office of the EU
ELI Speaker biographies
video ELI workshop

Watch the ELI workshop

video Eli workshop, opens in a new window