Publications Office of the EU
Minutes - TED eForms
Minutes - TED eSender workshop Q1 2024



Minutes of the TED eSender workshop (20 March 2024) 


These are the consolidated questions and answers, i.e. replies to questions posted live during the webinar have been reviewed and may have been regrouped or modified for this written version to allow for a more cohesive and complete response. 

Please note that some answers may no longer be accurate, as the Publications Office (OP) has followed up on comments made and may have modified its approach accordingly. 

The live sessions were recorded and are available in the agenda section along with the PowerPoint slides of each presentation. 


Questions from the participants: 

Lifespan and Release of SDK Versions 

  • Where can I find information on the lifespan of SDK versions?  

Answer: Please consult the list of active SDK versions on the TED Developer Docs. The TED API provides this information by switch date, and it should always be consulted as the single source of truth. 

  • When do you plan to release SDK version 1.11?  

Answer: SDK version 1.11 was released on 23 April 2024 and activated in Preview and Production of eNotices2 on 14 and 15 May respectively; see the release note at GitHub eForms-SDK/releases/tag/1.11.0. Patches to SDK 1.7 to 1.10 were released on 2 May – see GitHub eForms-SDK/discussions/930. SDK 1.6 has not been patched, as its standard lifespan has ended but it can still be used to submit notices until the end of July 2024, as explained in

  • Why do some versions of SDK have a greater lifespan than others?  

Answer: The standard lifespan of an SDK version is 12 months from its release date. However, the expiration date of an SDK version can be extended beyond this standard lifespan. Exceptionally for 2024, to meet the requirements of eSenders during the ongoing transition phase, the Publications Office has chosen to prolong the lifespan of the SDK versions that are due to expire in 2024. As such, the lifespan of SDK versions 1.6 - 1.9 has been extended by approximately 4 months. 

  • Why is the lifespan extension of SDK 1.10 only 2 months?  

Answer: The amendment made in 2023 mandates its implementation by the end of February 2025. Consequently, all SDK versions released in 2024 would theoretically only be valid until that date. We’re also operating under the assumption that eSenders using the latest SDK versions will have sufficient time for upgrades. The goal is to eliminate the need for prolonged lifespans and return to a 12-month active period. 

  • When do you expect that pre-releases of SDK 1.13 will be available?   

Answer: We cannot promise to have SDK 1.13 ready before October. We will be able to share a release candidate before the final release, but this will only be a couple of weeks earlier, while we test it at OP. 

[Note: The March workshop presented three SDK releases in 2024.  This roadmap was changed in April and can be seen in

What was originally planned as SDK releases 1.12 and 1.13 have been combined into a single SDK 1.12, including FSR and exclusion and selection criteria (but not IPI) and planned for June. 

The SDK release planned for October will be version 1.13, including IPI, EED and the six new voluntary forms. 

These minutes have been updated accordingly to refer to the new SDK version numbers (e.g. references to 1.14 refer to 1.13).]


Notice Submission and SDK compatibility 

  • If an SDK version is deprecated during the processing of a specific notice, is it feasible to submit the notice using the old SDK version while maintaining the same notice ID (BT-701) and introducing a new notice version ID (BT-757)?  

Answer: The management of the SDK version is handled individually for each notice at the time of submission (via CVS). For instance, if a notice is submitted on the final day of SDK 1.7, it would be necessary to halt the notice and re-submit it on the subsequent day, as the notice would then need to adhere to SDK 1.8 or higher. 

  • Can a notice, once submitted using an older SDK version, only be corrected in the new SDK version and not in the previous SDK version?  

Answer: A Change notice needs to be submitted using an active SDK version. When the SDK version of the notice to be changed is not active anymore, it is possible that additional information might be required compared to the original notice to comply with the version used for the change. 

  • Contract modifications have a changedNoticeIdentifier. If two modifications are made to the same CAN, should both references point to the original CAN notice or like a chain in change notices the second modification references the first CM?  

Answer: When modifications to two contracts of a same Result notice have to be published, then this may be done in a single notice, given that none of the two contracts have been modified in between. When the publication of the modifications have to appear at different moments in time, they must be done sequentially, and each must refer to the notice that just preceded it; the first modification should then refer to the original notice and the second modification notice should refer to the notice that contained the latest published information for the given contract.  See also eForms FAQ: What is the correct procedure when creating a Contract Modification Notice with multiple changes? 


New Forms and Regulation Amendments 

  • Will the new E1-E6 forms only come with SDK 1.13 in October or will parts of the new voluntary forms be made available earlier?  

Answer: All six new E1-E6 forms will be included in the same SDK 1.13 and will be made available in the Preview environment once SDK 1.13 is released which should occur in October. 

  • Did I understand correctly that in October 2024 there will be SDK 1.13 with the new regulation and by February 2025 it will be mandatory? Does that mean we only have 4 months to implement 1.13 including national adjustments?  

Answer: Legally, yes. The intention of the 2023 amendment is that all Member States must comply with it by the end of February 2025. In practice, this means that all eSenders must be on SDK 1.13 (only available by October) by then. The regulatory reason is that eSenders must be able to handle the legal reporting requirement so FSR, IPI, and EED. They may choose not to implement the new voluntary E1-E6 forms and still be able to comply with SDK 1.13. OP expects some extension of SDK lifespans will be needed to reach full compliance, but we recommend you already plan your upgrade to SDK 1.13. 

  • Regarding the new regulations 2022/1031 (IMPI); Regulation 2022/2560 (foreign grants); Directive 2023/1791 (energy efficiency), we wanted to know when they will be available and in which SDK. Which SDK version will be aligned with the latest Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/2884?  

Answer: In 2024, there will be at least two SDK releases to satisfy the changes and deadlines required by the December 2023 amendment to the eForms implementing regulation. SDK release 1.12 will include the technical changes for business entities, the additional fields for FSR (Foreign Subsidies Regulation), the changes to exclusion grounds and selection grounds (as foreseen in the December 2023 amendment to the eForms regulation), as well as some incremental updates and improvements. The following SDK release 1.13 is a very significant release including the additional fields for IPI (International Procurement Instrument) and for EED (Energy Efficiency Directive) and the six new voluntary forms E1 to E6. SDK 1.13 should be released no later than the end of October 2024. 

  • In which SDK version will the fields associated with the eForms regulation amendment be included? Which SDK version will incorporate these new fields?  

Answer: Some fields will be included in SDK 1.12, , while the remaining fields will be incorporated in SDK 1.13. 


Documentation and Support 

  • Where can we find the documentation for Business Entities?  

Answer: It will be released in the TED Developer Docs when SDK 1.12.0 is released. 

  • Will the use of the new business entities become mandatory in the future? If yes, when? In that case, we need to adapt our applications. Do you have sample code?  

Answer: There is no sample code yet. We will provide documentation as needed in the developer guide. Some information in SDK (idSchemes for example) is meant to be replaced by the information provided by business entities. However, we will not remove it from SDK 1; it will only be removed from SDK 2 onwards. 

  • What is the best way to easily compare the differences in SDK rules, particularly between versions 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 vis-a-vis v.1.10? Given that v.1.10 introduces a significant change by splitting off the rules, is there a comprehensive guide available for this? It seems that a simple extract does not encompass all the rules. Is there something more complete in this regard?  

Answer: The SDK Explorer currently allows comparing fields.json and Schematron rules. We don’t yet have other tools to compare rule changes. It could be possible to compare changes in the CSV downloads of rules. eSenders are encouraged to contribute to the SDK Explorer code. 

  • Will there be a possibility to download a delta of what changed between versions from the explorer so we could scan the changes automatically e.g., via a script?  

Answer: This is not something we have considered, so please create an issue in the SDK Explorer repository where this can be discussed. The main thing we need to “invent” to achieve this, is what will be the format of the “diff” (the delta) so that it can be automatically processed. If developers want to work on this, we can help them implement and integrate it into the SDK Explorer. 

  • Do fields.json include all the rules that apply to fields?  

Answer: Currently there are approximately 30 rules that exist solely in Schematron. We will aim to incorporate these rules into fields.json with SDK 1.13. Additionally, we will also add a flag to indicate whether a rule is intended for front-end live-validation or exclusively for Schematron. 

  • What strategies are in place for dynamic rules, such as verifying content across multiple notices? It seems the dynamic rules folder in the SDK is still under development, and it is unclear which checks have been implemented.  

Answer: The only dynamic rule currently in effect is the one that compares the dispatch date against the current date. 

  • What is the most effective way to stay updated on new SDK releases?  

Answer: All release notes are published on the GitHub release page at GitHub eForms-SDK/releases. Users can watch this page and receive automatic updates for every new SDK release. 

  • Certain fields, like OPT or OPP, are not included in the relevant eForms Commission Implementing Regulation. Their descriptions are not detailed enough, leading to potential misunderstandings. Would it not be better to incorporate these fields into the “Extended Annex to the Regulation“ table?   

Answer: The fields beginning with OPT or OPP have been created to support specific structures in the XML, or to fulfil specific technical requirements. They are not related to the business requirements of eForms, and so it is not appropriate to include them in the Annex of the Regulation. Please see for more details. Description labels for OPP and OPT fields were added in SDK 1.11 (and backported). 

  • Where should we ask questions about eForms? As an example, if I do not understand an EFX expression from the docs or ANTLR definitions. 

Answer: EFX-related questions are technical questions, so, please ask on our GitHub developer forum at 

  • We've been looking into implementing EFX to execute directly on the visual model inside our frontend but found the development burden too heavy to justify the costs right now. Are there any plans to have an EFX interpreter made for JavaScript/ typescript?  

Answer: We also considered this for eNotices2. However, we are currently trying to improve the existing solution which runs on the eNotices2 backend. Although we would like to work on a JS/TS interpreter, or an EFX Toolkit for JS/TS it is not realistic for us to put this in our current plans due to other constraints. We are open to collaborative ideas if there are several eSenders that want to contribute to such an implementation. If that were the case, then it would be more feasible for us to make some resources available for working with you to achieve this. 

  • The support for eSenders unfortunately doesn't work well. The response times are much too long.  

Answer: The TED helpdesk has been very busy supporting users of eNotices2 web interface and the new TED website, so you might not have received a reply as quickly as we would have liked. If you have technical questions about the SDK, you can reach the Publications Office teams (and other eSenders) via GitHub discussions If you have an urgent operation issue, you can include in copy of your email to the TED helpdesk.  

  • Why are maintenances to (and potential downtimes of) the TED production environment only announced the day before? It would be nice to know this at least a few days in advance. 

Answer: We aim to announce downtime in Production at least 2 days before and to limit the unavailability to 7:00 to 9:00 CET. Unfortunately, we needed some short-notice deployments that didn’t respect this approach.  


Validation rules 

  • Will the same limitations that apply to change notices (e.g. absence of a tree structure in references) also be enforced for contract modifications (subtypes 38/39)? 

Answer: We have not yet implemented any dynamic rules for Contract modifications. While some limitations will resemble those of Change notices, they will not be the same.  

  • How do you validate the Schematron rules you add? The past releases have added a flurry of new rules which have not always been compliant with national laws or have been impossible to satisfy without sending incorrect data. Has the process been improved, or can we expect more of the same?  

Answer: Many of the rules were provided by the European Commission during the definition of eForms. Most of the rules were not applied when eForms became available in November 2022 and they have been added progressively from SDK 1.8 until SDK 1.11. As eForms started to be used, we see there is a lot of variety at national level.  

After SDK 1.11, new rules should be mainly related to the new fields and forms, as well as incremental improvements or corrections. A better process could happen via the European Commission eForms group on GitLab at This will help Member States discuss future changes transparently; it will also provide guides for new fields, e.g. for FSR and IPI, which would provide the background for any rules later expressed via the SDK.  

  • Are you experiencing quality issues on the already submitted eForms, and that's the main reason why rules are more or less "loose”?  

Answer: Yes, for example, SDK 1.7 has fewer rules, and we see some notices are missing information, e.g. for winners. So, more rules in SDK 1.8+ do help data quality. 

  • Where can we find the “SDK 2 complex rules”? 

Answer: They are not available yet. We will have a pre-release of SDK 2 when we are ready to share the complex rules. 



  • In TED schema and in the free text fields, HTML formatting tags were supported for both HTML and PDF visualisation. However, in eForms, while HTML tags are supported for visualisation, they are not supported for PDF visualisation. Are there any plans to reintroduce this feature in pdf visualisation? It could greatly enhance the readability of large text blocks.  

Answer: Concerning HTML visualisation, there has been a change compared to the legacy TED XML. The eForms schema, which uses UBL, does not permit mixed content in text fields. Therefore, you should avoid inserting HTML tags or any formatting in your notices because they will be shown as plain text in PDFs. Currently, we do not intend to incorporate processing instructions to enable some formatting, as this could introduce an additional complication for all systems.  

  • During the Czech eForms implementation, we prepared a complete translation in accordance with Czech legislation. Can you include our translation into the next SDK versions?  

Answer: We will be in touch with the Czech authorities to improve Czech translations. A small number of labels use machine translations until we get human ones, but we are also aware that many terms are not aligned with national transpositions and practices.  

  • On March 1 2024, "expectedPublicationDate" field in the "search-esentool" operation was included in the Production environment. This caused errors on our platform, and we had to carry out an intervention between hours. Are these types of changes being communicated to the eSenders in some way? 

Answer: Once a new application version goes into Preview, we update the Preview page with any news, such as fixed or known issues, new features etc., as is the case for ExpectedPublicationDate. Please consult the preview page.   

Any breaking changes are communicated separately. For SDK releases, you can use the "watch" repository feature of GitHub to receive notifications.  

“expectedPublicationDate” was not added as a new required request parameter; it was added as a new attribute in the object returned in the response.   

We consider it a breaking change to:  

  1. remove an endpoint;  

  2. add a new required request parameter;  

  3. remove or change the type of a request parameter or response attribute.  

As this was not a breaking change, it should not have affected your implementation.  

  • TED e-mail notifications inform about notice publication earlier than it really occurs. This is confusing for our users. We suggest improving TED notification content such as procedure name, the date the notice was sent to TED etc.  

Answer: An email notification is now sent with the “Expected publication date”, shortly after submission – perhaps this is what you are noticing. A separate email is sent when the notice is published in the OJ S on TED. We do intend to improve the content of email notifications in general. As of application version 1.14.0, the eSender’s email address is also included in copy of the automated notifications regarding the various statuses of notices. As part of the improvement, the Publication notification email now includes a link to the published notice on TED.  

  • Is there any plan to improve the publication cycle e.g. publish on weekends or publish notices received on Friday before Monday?  

Answer: There are no plans to change the Monday to Friday OJ S publication dates. You might be interested in the new TED website option to download the OJS release calendar as CSV, XLS or PDF at  

  • For an award notice with several beneficiaries for the same lot, is it necessary to specify a leader? This is not always effective.  

Answer: It is only necessary to identify the leader when there is more than one economic operator tendering together; it is not related to the number of winning tenders for a given lot.  

  • Can a CN notice refer to a previous planning notice which has only been published nationally, i.e. the unique id provided is not found on TED?  

Answer: This is not possible; references to previous notices can only be to those published to TED. You could refer to national sources in an additional information field. 

  • What is your philosophy for handling different SDK version? Convert all to latest SDK version?  

Answer: We will only have a maximum of 2 different major versions of the SDK active in parallel. So, SDK 1, in parallel with SDK 2 until everyone has moved to SDK 2. Minor SDK versions are not “different versions” they are just incremental updates to the current version.   

In eNotices2, we convert old continued procedures to the latest version, as soon as they are imported from TED or device.  

  • The eSender section in eForms is optional at the moment; do you plan to remove it from the user interface?  

Answer: We will not remove the eSender service provider section; it is linked to the organisations, it is where eSenders identify themselves and is also contained in the XML of the notice.  

  • In the case of a contract that is an exception from the scope of the Directives, should we use BT-01 field with the value “Other”? If this is not the recommended approach, could you suggest which field should be used instead? 

Answer: Much depends on the context in this case. It is possible to use “Other” legal basis, but you must adhere to the rules of each form, which are derived from each directive. The upcoming voluntary forms will offer more flexibility, with fewer rules in place.  

  • Is there a place where I can find an overview of all eForms-related forums/events, e.g. TED eSender, TED reuser, TED eNotice2 users, etc.? 

Answer: If you keep your Profile in the Developer Portal (Production or Preview) updated, we will let you know of eSender workshops; you can also keep up with

We announce eNotices2 webinars through the application itself. We email participants of past events when we publish Questions & Answers. Links to the video recordings of eNotices2 webinars are made available on the eNotices2 help page.  

In general, the easiest way to keep up with upcoming events is the “What’s New” section available through the homepage of the new TED website.  



Last update: 13 June 2024