Publications Office of the EU
State aid — Greece — State aid No C 50/2005 (ex NN 20/2005) — Aid to undertakings in the Departments of Rhodope, Evros, Xanthi, the Dodecanese and the Islands of Lesbos, Samos and Chios (Joint Decree No 1648/B.22/ 13.1.94 ; Decree No 2003341/683/0025/ 17.2.1994 ; Joint Decree No 14237/B.664/ 6.4.1994 ; Decree No 2022973/3968/0025/ 18.5.1994 ; Joint Decree No 235/B.21/ 4.1.1995 ; Joint Decree No 44678/B.1145/ 3.7.1995 ; Decree No 2043231/6673/0025/ 11.7.1995 ; Joint Decree No 14946/B.566/ 30.4.1996 ; Decree No 2030175/4446/0025/ 10.6.1996 ; Joint Decree No 44446/B.1613/ 24.12.1996 ; Decree No 2087184/49/0025/ 11.7.1997 ; Decree No 11362/B.472/7.1997; Decree No 32576/B.1282/ 9.10.1997 ; Decree No 2016123/2133/0025/ 6.3.1998 ; Decree No 40412/B.1677/ 9.12.1997 ; Decree No 2090373/11216/0025/ 1.6.1998 ; Decree No 42998/B.2026/ 15.12.1998 ; Decree No 44247/B.2108/ 23.12.1998 ; Decree No 19954/B.957/ 7.6.1999 ; Decree No 2/42929/0025/ 7.10.1999 ; Decree No 10123/B.507/ 17.3.1999 ; Decree No 2/21857/0025/ 7.10.1999 ; Decree No 6244/B.270/ 18.2.2000 ; Decree No 2/14774/0025/ 31.5.2000 ; Decree No 35913/B.2043/ 24.10.2000 ; Decree No 2/82257/0025/ 18.12.2000 ; Decree No 43407/B.2428/ 19.12.2000 ; Decree No 2/7555/0025/ 25.5.2001 ; Decree No 33951/B.1498/ 10.10.2001 ; Decree No 2/61352/0025/2001/ 31.1.2002 ; Decree No 42567/B.1770/ 4.12.2001 ; Decree No 75113/B.2455/ 11.11.2003 ; Decree No 2/64046/0025/2003/ 28.1.2004 ; Decree No 2041901/ 16.5.1989 ; Decree No 2078809/ 10.10.1989 ; Decree No 9034/B.289/ 10.2.2003 ; Decree No 80295/B.2631/ 28.11.2003 ; Decree No 37497/b.1232/ 2.6.2003 ) — Invitation to submit comments pursuant to Article 88(2) of the EC Treaty
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