Publications Office of the EU
ShowVoc - EU Vocabularies


ShowVoc is an online platform built to facilitate access to, dissemination and visualisation of controlled vocabularies such as ontologies (OWL), thesauri (SKOS/SKOS-XL), lexicons (Ontolex-lemon) and other types of RDF-based datasets. ShowVoc helps communities and teams explore, engage and promote the use of semantic technologies and reference data in their areas of expertise (e.g. translation or legal fields). For this purpose, it provides a set of tools and facilities based on semantic web technologies that foster and support semantic interoperability.

ShowVoc has been developed in the framework of the Public multilingual knowledge management infrastructure for the Digital Single Market (PMKI) project (European Commission ISA² programme) as a tool for sharing maintainable and sustainable controlled vocabularies. It enables the sharing of language resources, making them interoperable for the benefit of the language technology industry and public administrations. Its multilingual features are able to improve cross border accessibility of digital services.

The development of ShowVoc is currently managed by the Publications Office of the European Union and is funded by the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL). The application is released as open source and the documentation can be found on the project website.

A live ShowVoc instance is actively maintained by the Publications Office as an easy to use channel to disseminate controlled vocabularies, taxonomies and other RDF datasets.

This instance is made available to all EU institutions and agencies, at no cost, to serve their needs as a publication environment. Interested public administrations of EU Member States are invited to contact the Publications Office.

Read access to the catalogue of vocabularies available in ShowVoc is free for all interested parties who want to explore and use high quality multilingual resources.

If you want to explore the solution, please contact us and express your interest. When doing so, please do not forget to describe your project and needs. Our teams are here to help you use the platform.