Publications Office of the EU
Interoperability policy survey - EU Vocabularies

Interoperability policy survey

The European Commission is currently evaluating the ISA² programme and the European Interoperability Framework and conducting an impact assessment to present a reinforced public sector interoperability policy this year. Your experience and views would be valuable for this process given your experience using ISA² solutions. We would thus greatly appreciate your contribution to the online survey administered by CEPS on behalf of DG DIGIT of the European Commission. 

The survey contains three parts focused on ISA², the EIF, and the new interoperability policy. Given your role as solution user, we kindly ask you to complete the section dedicated to the final evaluation of the ISA² programme. You are also welcome to complete all three parts of the survey, should you wish to do so.

You can access and complete the survey here and we would appreciate your feedback ideally by 28 February.