Publications Office of the EU
EU Publications Office Newsletter - February 2025 edition - EU publications
2025 February newsletter

Issue 135

February 2025

ISSN 2315-0017

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Spotlight on security and defence

The European Union’s first objective is to promote peace, its values and the wellbeing of its peoples. In today’s challenging geopolitical landscape, security and defence are major concerns for Europeans. One in three believe that security and defence should be main priorities for the European Union in the years to come.

Security has many facets, requiring a comprehensive, all-of-government approach. Through its Security Union Strategy, the EU endeavours to foster security for all those living in Europe. EU Member States are required to carry out risk assessments on essential services and identify critical entities, assets and infrastructure that need protection against potential security threats. The strategy includes measures aiming to effectively tackle organised crime and to boost the EU’s resilience in the face of cyber threats. It aims to further facilitate the exchange of information between Member States’ police forces and promote research and innovation in security matters. Energy security is another crucial aspect.

Recently, the Council set out priorities for strengthening the EU’s joint counterterrorism efforts. Member States reaffirmed their commitment to enhancing information exchange between their authorities, ensuring effective border management, and addressing terrorism and violent extremism online.

The EU’s common security and defence policy establishes a framework for measures that seek to bolster Member States’ defence capabilities. It supports efforts to strengthen their defence industrial base. In its recently launched European Defence Industrial Strategy, the European Commission presented measures that will boost coordination in defence procurement, enhance industry responsiveness, strengthen cooperation with NATO, and promote defence readiness. Through the European Defence Fund, the EU supports companies across Member States to develop defence equipment in critical areas, from air and space to naval and ground.

Our February newsletter puts the spotlight on security and defence, a core element of the EU’s strategic agenda and one of the European Commission’s key priorities for the next five years. We also recommend publications related to other topics like climate action and trade.

Improving the quality of European spending on defence PDF

Cost of non-Europe report

Building a European defence union is at the top of the EU's policy agenda. It is an essential element in preserving the security and wellbeing of our society. The lack of a non-coordinated EU approach to defence spending could cost between €18 billion and €57 billion per year. This report presents potential gains from deeper European cooperation on defence spending.

Available in English

Delivering together PDF/Paper

Targeted partnerships for a secure world

Ensuring our security in these turbulent times requires new forms of cooperation that deliver concrete results. How can the EU and its partners strengthen their collective capacity to deliver peace and security? Read about the ‘Partnership Plus’ and ‘Targeted partnerships’ options that can help the EU and its partners reach common objectives.

Available in English

Europe in the 'arc of fire' PDF/Paper

EU foreign policy in 2024

Conflicts and crises have been multiplying on our doorstep in recent years. In this troubling geopolitical context, the EU urgently needs to boost its defence capabilities and defence industry. This book presents blog posts and speeches by former High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell Fontelles, in which he addressed the most pressing issues for the EU’s foreign and security policy.

Available in English

CORDIS results pack on insights into extremism PDF/Paper/HTML

Research and strategies to prevent radicalisation and violent extremism

Violent extremism, populism and radicalisation undermine European cohesion, unsettling the Union’s foundations and creating insecurity among its citizens. In this publication, read about the EU-funded research projects focusing on how best to address these security concerns.

Available in English

Building resilience in the civil security domain based on research and technology PDF/Paper

Report of the CERIS Expert Group, November 2024

The Community for European Research and Innovation for Security – CERIS – was established in 2022 to find solutions for various security challenges, including fake news, climate change, customs seizures or bioterrorism. It brings together 65 experts from across Europe, including researchers, policymakers and practitioners. This first CERIS report shows how EU-funded security research helps combat child sexual abuse online, deal with disinformation and hate speech, enhance disaster resilience and facilitate travel at border crossing points.

Available in English

EU energy platform PDF

Joint gas purchasing to increase energy security for Europe

The EU Energy Platform was established in 2022 to help Europe diversify its energy supplies and enhance its energy security. It helps coordinate EU action on global markets and aims to ensure the efficient use of existing infrastructure. Check out this factsheet and gain insights into how the platform works!

Available in English

Also out recently

Adaptation financing mechanisms for action at the local and regional levels PDF

European cities and regions face growing risks from extreme weather, threatening low-income households and EU cohesion. Local authorities are vital for adaptation but face hurdles like unclear risk ownership and financing gaps. This European Committee of the Regions study examines public and private financing, offering solutions to overcome barriers and boost investments for climate resilience. Check out the accompanying leaflet too.

Available in English

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Human rights cities in the European Union PDF/Paper

A guide to support local authorities in making human rights part of people’s daily life

What is a ‘human rights city’? This label is applied where the local government, grassroots organisations and city residents work together to uphold and deliver on human rights standards. This guide helps cities strengthen their efforts to respect human rights and encourage local authorities to adopt higher human rights standards.

Available in all official languages of the EU (and Catalan) except for Irish

Mapping the marketplace: Insights into EU trade html

A deep dive into data shaping the trade landscape across the European Union

Data is crucial for comprehending the complexities of trade within EU Member States. This data story, based primarily on Eurostat data, provides a detailed, quantifiable representation of trade flows, revealing patterns, trends, and interdependencies between different economies within the EU.

Available in English

Report on railway safety and interoperability in the EU 2024 PDF

Get an exclusive look at the latest report from the European Union Agency for Railways, providing a comprehensive overview of the development of railway safety and interoperability in the EU. See how the Agency's monitoring and analysis is shaping evidence-based policymaking and tracking the progress of the Single European Railway Area.

Available in English

Our news

Registration for EU Open Data Days 2025 is open! The Publications Office of the EU is excited to invite you to join the event in person on 19-20 March 2025 in Luxembourg. Harnessing the power of open data, that is what this event is all about.

Over two engaging days, learn from experts in the field through success stories and best practices and be at the forefront of open data. Take this unique opportunity to engage and network with the open data community and innovators in the field of open data. Live webstreaming will also be available.

Whether you are a public policymaker, part of the private sector, a data publisher, analyst, academic, or simply a passionate advocate for open data from across Europe and beyond, this event is for you.

Book your place now!

Together, let's shape a future where data is open and optimally leveraged for an empowered society.

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EU research results
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EU-funded projects
EU Whoiswho
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