Publications Office of the EU
Agenda - eSenders Seminar

Annual TED eSenders Seminar

Organised by the Publications Office of the European Union

Luxembourg, 20 September 2016

  • 9.00 - 9.20Registration and coffee
  • 9.20 - 12.30 PLENARY SESSION
    • 9.20 - Welcome and introduction
      António Carneiro, Director, Dissemination and Reuse Directorate, Publications Office
    • 9.30 - Adoption of the agenda and approval of the minutes from the last meeting
      Maria Manuela Cruz, Head of Unit, EUR-Lex and TED, Publications Office
    • 10.00 - TED eSenders - current status, progress report, latest schema updates
      Ana-Maria Babaligea, Cyrille Zacharie, TED, Publications Office
    • 10.45 - TED eSentool - presentation of new functionalities with real examples
      Carmelo Greco, TED, Publications Office
    • 11.15 - Coffee break
    • 11.30 - eForms: the new generation of electronic standard forms
      Jachym Hercher, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission
  • 12.30 - 13.45 Buffet
  • 13.45 – 16.00 PARALLEL WORKSHOPS
    • TED eSenders ABC – induction for newcomers
      Ana-Maria Babaligea, Sofia Berenguer, Mirek Brehovsky, TED, Publications Office
    • European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) – ways to implement and fill-in exercise
      Marc Cristopher Schmidt, Directorate-General for Informatics, European Commission
      Adrian Danciu, TED, Publications Office
    • Transition from an old to a new XSD schema version – challenges and best practices
      Marc Nosbusch, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure – Public Works, Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
      Aija Bilzena, Head of Sector, TED, Publications Office
    • Publication issues at EU and national level – concerns and solutions
      Samuel Dupont, Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information, Government of the French Republic
      Polyxeni Mylona, Head of Sector, TED, Publications Office
    • Coffee break (15.00 - 15.15)
    • Summary and conclusions (continuation of workshops)
  • 16.00 - 16.30 Feedback from TED eSenders
  • 16.30 - 17.00 Conclusions of the meeting
    Maria Manuela Cruz, Head of Unit, EUR-Lex and TED, Publications Office