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Apps review

[Narrator:] In the previous chapters, we were introduced to the different ways to improve the accessibility of an app. No matter what operating system the app will run on or what kind of development process or programming language you use, accessibility is a feature that should not be neglected. All the development approaches we have discussed offer mechanisms for improving accessibility.

Even though the focus of the previous chapters was on improving the user-interface experience for users with visual impairments, other user groups should not be forgotten. Be sure to respect all target groups when developing any function. You should structure your testing process with the help of a test plan.

Test plan

Here is a short list of points to cover to give you some inspiration.

  • What are the target groups and how does the app adapt to their needs?
  • What paths are available to navigate the app?
  • What functions need to be reached using the navigation paths?
  • Is the app easy to understand and easy to use?
  • In what ways is the app different when running on different devices, screen sizes and operating systems?
  • Are all user-interface elements accessible?

Develop test scenarios for every target group by: using a screen reader, removing colours, removing audio when offering audio/video content, and using a joystick or switch control.

Document your results in a report, which should include: an executive summary, which tests were carried out, how the tests were carried out and what tools and methodologies were used, the results and the recommended actions.


You can use the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines to help you carry out your accessibility tests. Even though they were initially created for web pages, they can be applied to a wide variety of media.

Last but not least, do not forget to ask your users for their opinion. User testing is a very efficient testing method. Along with the other testing methods, user testing can provide specific and valuable insights as to the usability of your app. To find users who can test your app, use methods such as the following. Reach out to local organisations, colleges or universities that provide training for people with disabilities. Ask your social circle. There might be people with disabilities who are willing to help. And ask for a user-testing service if they can test your app and include users with disabilities.

All development environments offer the possibility of distributing pre-released versions of the app to a specific user group.

Where to continue?

You have been introduced to different ways to improve the accessibility of apps.

Depending on your personal interests, you could continue with one of the following chapters. If you want to learn more about operating-system-dependent accessibility features, we invite you to study:

  • Assistive technology ‒ iOS
  • Assistive technology ‒ Android

If you want to learn more about screen readers and how to use them for your practical tests, we recommend:

  • Screen readers ‒ iOS
  • Screen readers ‒ Android

If you are working through this course sequentially, please go to:

  • Audiovisual elements

[Automated voice:] Accessibility. For more information visit:

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