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Introduction to accessibility

What is digital accessibility? What is accessible technology? Why should we all learn about it? This video introduces all these concepts and presents the different series of videos included in this site.

Click to watch the video about  introduction to accessibility (opens in a new tab)

This video presents the EU legal framework on accessibility implementation in webpages and mobile apps, and introduces the European Accessibility Act.

Click to watch the video about the legal issues (opens in a new tab)


Accessibility requires universal design to create products that can be used by anyone. This video introduces the established standards for HTML.

Click to watch the video about the standards (opens in a new tab)


This video explains accessibility requirements for EPUB and PDF publications.

Click to watch the video about the ePub and PDF (opens in a new tab)

Daily challenges faced by people with visual disabilities

Let’s meet some users of digital publications with visual disabilities. What are the challenges they face every day? What solutions can we propose?

Click to watch the video about the case studies (opens in a new tab)