Publications Office of the EU
Interinstitutional Digital Publishing Committee (IDPC) 2023 plenary meeting - IDPC 2023
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Interinstitutional Digital Publishing Committee

IDPC 2023 Replay

Watch the full meeting    Replay on YouTube

09:15 - 09:25

Welcome and Introduction

date: 26 April 2023
trackOrder: 10
sessionThemeOrder: 1010
time: 09:15 - 09:25

09:25 - 09:35

Opening address by Hilde Hardeman,
Director General of the Publications Office of the European Union

date: 26 April 2023
trackOrder: 10
sessionThemeOrder: 1010
time: 09:25 - 09:35

A short introduction to the main topic and an outline of the different presentations


Hilde Hardeman

09:40 - 10:10

The battle of the audience:
capturing attention in a world overloaded with messages

date: 26 April 2023
trackOrder: 10
sessionThemeOrder: 1010
time: 09:40 - 10:10

Publications have never been so challenged by the thousands of content available in real-time. How to win the battle for attention? What are the stakes and the golden rules? How do organisations implement effective strategies and which trends are likely to emerge in the future? All these strategic themes will be discussed in this presentation.


Céline Mas

10:15 - 10:50

Leveraging the Target Audience Analysis dashboard for green messaging

date: 26 April 2023
trackOrder: 10
sessionThemeOrder: 1010
time: 10:15 - 10:50

To maximise EU-wide citizen support for green transition policies, EU policy communications should be tailored to the opinions and attitudes different audience segments hold about green issues.

In this presentation, we will discuss the Target Audience Analysis, a first-of-its-kind pan-European audience segmentation carried out in 2022 by Ipsos for the European Commission, and the dashboard which was developed to support this study. We will show how communication professionals can use the dashboard to maximize the impact of their campaigns by tailoring messaging strategies to the different ‘green profiles’ identified through the analysis.


Anna van Cauwenberge

Bridget Williams

11:00 - 11:10


date: 26 April 2023
trackOrder: 10
sessionThemeOrder: 1010
time: 11:00 - 11:10

11:10 - 11:40

Writing for human readers

date: 26 April 2023
trackOrder: 10
sessionThemeOrder: 1010
time: 11:10 - 11:40

Busy professionals who write at work often forget that their readers are equally busy.
A good writer allows the reader to be effective. But how to do that? And how to transform complex documents into engaging texts that people want to read. First, we will bust some myths around ‘professional communication’. Then we will jump into techniques that make every professional a better writer.


Dominiek Braet

11:45 - 12:15

Performance measurement for your publications:
build a performance culture for powerful EU publishing

date: 26 April 2023
trackOrder: 10
sessionThemeOrder: 1010
time: 11:45 - 12:15

We need to build a performance-minded culture that enables authors to achieve the objectives of their publications. By measuring the performance of publications, we can help authors to create increasingly powerful content and to promote their work with even more precision.


Ewa Kurth

Jessica Martensen

12:15 - 12:30


date: 26 April 2023
trackOrder: 10
sessionThemeOrder: 1010
time: 12:15 - 12:30