Publications Office of the EU
Interinstitutional Digital Publishing Committee - Interinstitutional Digital Publishing Committee (IDPC) Plenary meeting 2020


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Getting closer to your audience thanks to inclusive digital publishing


It is now more important than ever that digital publications of the European Union reach ALL citizens


In a situation where over 80 million citizens of the European Union (EU) are affected by disabilities, accessibility becomes an increasingly important element of public debate. Article 9 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities obliges Member States and the EU to take appropriate measures to ensure access for persons with disabilities, on equal basis with others, to inter alia information and communication technologies.

The Publications Office (OP), as the publishing service provider of the EU Institutions, has an important role in the field of inclusive publishing. In this context, we would like to invite you to the active participation in the online event `Getting closer to your audience thanks to inclusive digital publishing’ in the framework of the plenary meeting of the Interinstitutional Digital Publishing Committee (IDPC).

Your are welcome to enroll using relevant forms in the “Registration” tab.

Annual plenary meeting of the Interinstitutional Digital Publishing Committee (IDPC): open to IDPC members and the EU agencies.

Date: 19 November 2020

Venue: Online event


  • 9.30 - 10.00WELCOME SPEECH
    • Getting closer to your audience thanks to inclusive publishing: a necessity for the interinstitutional community of practice
      Harolds CELMS, Director of Production of Publications, Publications Office (OP) 
    • Welcome speech: Do away with barriers!
      Gunta ANCA, Chair of the Latvian Umbrella Body for Disability Organisations, board member within the European Disability Forum and member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) 
    Moderator: Patricia RUGGIU, Head of Unit, Content and Demand Management, OP
    • Need for a holistic approach
      Susanna LAURIN, member of the leading council of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals; Chief Research and Innovation Officer Funka, Sweden, a Design for all company focussing on accessibility 
    • Digital inclusion
      Tanja KLEUT, ICT accessibility specialist, DG TRAD, European Parliament 
  • 11.00 - 11.15Virtual coffee break (with a possibility to take part in a quiz: Are you the accessibility champion?) 
  • 11.15 - 12.15Presentations and discussion (II) 
    Moderator: Tuuli-Maria MATTILA, Head of Unit, Multimedia and Publications, OP
    • Interinstitutional offer of accessibility services of the Publications Office
      Edyta POSEL, deputy Head of Unit, Content and Demand Management, OP 
    • Preparing for future obligations: the review of the Web Accessibility Directive
      June LOWERY, Head of Unit, Accessibility, Multilingualism and Safer Internet, DG CNECT 
  • 12.15 - 12.30 Announcement of the quiz winner and closing speech by the Publications Office