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2022 edition - EU Datathon
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EU Datathon 2022

EU Datathon 2022

Recording Agenda Teams Team videos




The 6th edition of EU Datathon, the EU’s open data competition, came to a close on 20 October 2022. The finals took place in Brussels as part of the European Year of Youth and were streamed online to a world-wide audience. We are thrilled to announce the winners!

The teams were shortlisted from an initial 156 entries from 38 countries, the highest participation in the competition´s history, and competed in four categories, all highly relevant to the challenges Europe faces today: the European Green Deal, transparency in public procurement, EU public procurement opportunities for young people, and a Europe fit for the digital age.

Prior to the finals, the finalists had the opportunity to present their ideas for apps built on EU open data in a series of videos while, on the final day, they pitched their polished apps to the jury of 14 open data experts and the online audience.


Challenge 1:
A European Green Deal

1st place: CROZ RenEUwable team

Personalised recommendations for energy savings (Croatia)

2nd place: MyBioEUBuddy

Helping farmers and local governments find the ‘EU buddy region’ (France, Montenegro)

3rd place: Green Land Dashboard for Cities

Visualise the evolution of green areas in Europe (Italy)


Challenge 2:
Transparency in public procurement

1st place: Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.

Visualise the links between businesses, the public sector and individuals involved in the EU public procurement (Germany)

2nd place: The AI-Team

Trace the amounts and values of awarded contracts all the way to the company owners (Germany)

3rd place: EMMA

A prevention and early detection tool against fraud (France)


Challenge 3:
Public procurement opportunities for young people

1st place: Hermix

A tool for strategic marketing analysis of the business-to-government (B2G) market (Belgium, Romania)

2nd place: YouthPOP

Empowering young job seekers and young entrepreneurs to engage in public procurement processes (Greece)

3rd place: HasPopEU

Enhancing job and skill matching, with a focus on young people, migrants and small and medium-sized enterprises (Romania)


Challenge 4:
A Europe fit for the digital age

1st place: Lobium/Gavagai

Producing intelligence for journalists so they can scrutinise the legislative arenas in a better and faster manner (Netherlands, Sweden, United Kingdom)

2nd place: 100 Europeans

Big challenges translated into relatable stories in which Europe is a community of just 100 people (Greece)

3rd place: UNIOR NLP

Your guide to cultural content across Europe (Italy)


The Public Choice Award

Winner: CROZ RenEUwable team


Agenda, 20 October 2022

Hilde Hardeman
Welcome address
Hilde Hardeman, Director-General, Publications Office of the European Union
Johannes HAHN
Opening speech
Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for Budget and Administration
Challenge 1: ‘A European Green Deal’
Angela Morelli
Introductory talk
Angela Morelli, InfoDesignLab
Finalists showcase their apps
Challenge 2: ‘Transparency in public procurement’
Reet Sommer
Introductory talk
Reet Sommer, European Parliament, Data Management, Document Production
Finalists showcase their apps
Challenge 3: ‘EU public procurement opportunities for young people’
Manuela Cruz
Introductory talk
Manuela Cruz, Publications Office of the European Union, TED and EU Public Procurement
Finalists showcase their apps
Challenge 4: ‘A Europe fit for the digital age’
Thomas Gottron
Introductory talk
Thomas Gottron, European Central Bank, Principal Data Science expert
Finalists showcase their apps
Awarding of prizes and public choice award
Stefaan Verhulst
Guest speaker
Stefaan Verhulst, The GovLab
Renata Avila
Guest speaker
Renata Avila, Open Knowledge Foundation
Hilde Hardeman
Awarding of prizes and the public choice award
Hilde Hardeman, Director-General, Publications Office of the European Union


Challenge 1:
A European Green Deal

TOP-3 FINALIST CROZ renEUwable team

Going green has never been easier


RenEUwable combines environmental, social and economic data analysis to offer specific, personal recommendations for sustainable energy use.

More about the app in the interview with the team.

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Darko Benšic
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Marina Bednjanec
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Petar Matic
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Vinko Puškar


TOP-3 FINALIST Green Land Dashboard for cities

Measure your green well-being in the city


Green Land Dashboard integrates open data with satellite imaging and the internet of things to support cities, regional governments and non-governmental organisations in analysing and visualising the evolution of green areas within their territories.

More about the app in the interview with the team.

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Lorenzo Sanna
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Andrea Cruciani



Your buddy to becoming a top organic producer


My BioEUBuddy helps farmers and local governments find and follow the example of their ‘EU buddy region’ that is classified as a top organic producer.

More about the app in the interview with the team.

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Tamara Mitrovic
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Biljana Vujovic
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Nikola Damjanovic


TOP-6 RUNNER-UP Climate X Mobility

Facing extreme weather: the why, how and when of citizens’ commuting behaviour


Climate X Mobility integrates mobility, climate and social media data to understand citizens’ behaviour when commuting in extreme weather.

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Raquel Cordeiro
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Fabio Cordeiro



The way for SMEs to save on electricity costs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions


Endeema helps power-intensive manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) change their production plan to save electricity costs, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

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Joel Christoph
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A.S. Ahmed Amin Haris
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Niccolo Prada
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Lucy Czachowski



Need a new sofa, chair or lamp? Replace old furniture in an eco-friendly and economic way


FurCycle proposes a pocket- and eco-friendly alternative to acquiring stylish, practical and durable furniture.

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Dejan Simovic


Challenge 2:
Transparency in public procurement


Meet EMMA, the EU public procurement fraud detector


‘Emma Monitors Malicious Activity’ is a prevention and early detection tool against fraud that enables public institutions, journalists and civil society to automatically control the relationshiip between parties in public procurement.

More about the app in the interview with the team.

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Marc Fouqué


TOP-3 FINALIST Free Software Foundation Europe e.V



Free Software Foundation Europe e.V. visualises the links between businesses, the public sector and individuals involved in EU public procurement to increase transparency, traceability and predictability of the award process.

More about the app in the interview with the team.

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Linus Sehn
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Alexander Sander
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Michael Weimann
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Max Mehl



TEDgraph: untangling the web of business relationships


The AI-Team proposes visualising TED data in a graph database and combining it with ownership information and a list of sanctioned entities to allow public officers and competing parties to trace the amounts and values of awarded contracts all the way to the company owners.

More about the app in the interview with the team.

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Christian Spindler
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Thomas Wurster
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Stefan Fisches



Supporting sustainable practices on a procurement portfolio basis


Open Risk combines data to attribute greenhouse gas emissions to procurement contracts, allowing procurement managers to better understand the environmental footprint of tenders.

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Filippos Papadopoulos



Who wins public procurement contracts, and why?


Sampo combines the TED dataset with open local and national data to assist policymakers, journalists, researchers and tenderers in assessing the efficiency, impact and fairness of EU public procurement.

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Heidi Vähätalo
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Martti Ketola
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Henri Vähätalo


TOP-6 RUNNER-UP TenderPriceBot

We will make you win this tender!


TenderPriceBot combines historical TED data with artificial-intelligence-powered algorithms and semantic technologies to provide small and medium-sized enterprises in the IT, software and technology sectors with a tender alert and price-intelligence tool.

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Timo Heikkinen
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Hammad Hassan
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Nam Nguyen
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Anja Miscevic


Challenge 3:
EU public procurement opportunities for young people


Matching the right candidates and skills in EU public procurement


HasPopEU leverages the open EU public procurement data and machine-learning techniques to enhance job and skill matching, with a focus on young people, migrants and small and medium-sized enterprises.

More about the app in the interview with the team.

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Ion Marcu
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Aiana Melnic
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George Turcas
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Razvan Ceana



Understanding, predicting and recommending the B2G market


Hermix relies on big data analytics and artificial intelligence / natural language processing classification to build a tool for strategic marketing analysis of the business-to-government (B2G) market.

More about the app in the interview with the team.

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Stefan Morcov
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Bogdan Costea



Your public procurement opportunity just popped up!


The YouthPOP (youth public open procurement) project combines historic TED data with machine-learning technology to develop an e-tool that empowers young job seekers and young entrepreneurs to engage in public procurement processes.

More about the app in the interview with the team.

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Michail Maragkakis
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Sofia Lousa
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Konstantinos Maragkakis


TOP-6 RUNNER-UP AsturDataTeam

Hunting for opportunities in public procurement


AsturDataTeam proposes a search engine for public tenders to easily connect providers and contracting authorities around Europe, levelling up the playing field for all.

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Manuel García Rodríguez



Never miss a tender opportunity


RecommendTED proposes the most recent and relevant tenders to the user according to their personal profile and preferences, making the application process easier for non-specialists.

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Maja Koprčina
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Filip Koprčina


TOP-6 RUNNER-UP Tangible Data

Bringing data to life


The Tangible Data project transforms relevant data into sculptures that generate impact and constitute a call to action.

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Antonio Moneo


Challenge 4:
A Europe fit for the digital age

TOP-3 FINALIST 100 Europeans

Scrollytelling Europe’s biggest challenges


100 Europeans raises awareness and sparks discussion around the big challenges of our time by breaking them down into relatable, interactive and visual stories in which Europe is a community of just 100 people.

More about the app in the interview with the team.

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Dimitrios Michailidis
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Ntenis Koullolli


TOP-3 FINALIST Lobium/Gavagai

Enhancing journalistic scrutiny with data-powered intelligence


Lobium/Gavagai uses a mix of natural language processing techniques to produce intelligence for journalists so they can scrutinise the legislative arenas in a better and faster manner, particularly regarding the influence of stakeholders on EU-legislative proposals.

More about the app in the interview with the team.

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Tim Werkhoven
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Ivan Sukhletcov
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Fredrik Olsson
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Anyla Pula



Across Europe with Maggie: your guide to European culture


Leveraging natural language processing techniques and the European data collection, UNIOR NLP creates a personal assistant named Maggie, who guides users to explore cultural content across Europe.

More about the app in the interview with the team.

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Maria Pia di Buono
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Gennaro Nolano
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Giulia Speranza
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Johanna Monti



A photographic bridge between past and present


Ajapaik is an app for harvesting contemporary repeat photos (rephotos) of historic sites and landmarks, with the aim of enriching both public collections of historic photographs and user experience in the context of travel, education and cultural discovery.

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Vahur Puik
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Kimmo Virtanen
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Hembo Pagi



Putting local legal acts on the map


Data-Ray aims to present local legal acts on an interactive map, based on extracted address information, to better inform people about forthcoming changes that may impact the area in which they live.

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Robert Kunicki



Improving medical care on a local level


EU Regional Medicine offers a data-based tool for comparing regions to support health and social policymakers, regional authorities and also patient associations in their healthcare planning and exchange of best practices.

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Boris Bikbov


News: 5 reasons to join

Every year, EU Datathon calls for innovators from around the world to come up with new ways of using open data to address important societal and environmental challenges, with the condition that they use at least one of the thousands of data sets published on

Over the five years of its existence, the competition has generated dozens of practical apps and propelled new start-up enterprises.

This year´s edition of EU Datathon is now open for submissions of ideas. Here are five reasons to join in.

  1. Get international visibility for your innovative ideas: EU Datathon and its finalists are promoted by the European Commission and its representations in the EU Member States and further afield. The teams selected for the finals will pitch their apps at a highly followed final event with strong international participation.
  2. Win your share of EUR 200.000: Money isn´t everything but it can help you build a start-up enterprise or materialise your other open data projects. This year, the finalists can win up to EUR 25 000 and the Public Choice Award.
  3. Make a difference: Unlock open data to tackle some of the top EU priorities. This year´s challenges feature: (1) The European Green Deal; (2) Transparency in public procurement; (3) EU public procurement opportunities for young people; (4) A Europe fit for the digital age. Your success in addressing these challenges will be a success for all! To jog your inspiration, see the winning apps of the previous editions.
  4. Expand your professional network: EU Datathon finalist teams never walk alone; they get support during the design phase of their applications and an opportunity to meet other open data experts.
  5. Combine business with pleasure: EU Datathon opens doors to creativity. Use your skills to transform raw data into tools of business, education, entertainment and a lot more.

To join EU Datathon 2022, submit your idea for an open data app by 31 March.


In a nutshell

What is it about?

This year's edition of EU Datathon, the annual open data competition, was launched on 7 February 2022. This brings a chance for open data enthusiasts and application developers from around the world to demonstrate the potential of open data, get international visibility for their innovative ideas and compete for their share of the total prize fund of EUR 200 000 and the Public Choice Award.

How can you participate? It's simple! Propose an idea for an application that links and uses open datasets to address one of the four challenges.

What are the challenges?

  • Challenge 1: ‘The European Green Deal’
  • Challenge 2: ‘Transparency in public procurement’
  • Challenge 3: ‘EU public procurement opportunities for young people’
  • Challenge 4: ‘A Europe fit for the digital age’

The key condition for a successful submission is that at least one of the datasets used to develop your application comes from the thousands of datasets made available on If you opt for challenges 2 or 3, make sure to use at least one dataset published by the EU Tenders Electronic Daily (TED).

On top of that, your application is expected to make an innovative contribution to important goals of the European Union, and showcase opportunities for concrete business models or social enterprises. To jog your imagination, explore the winning ideas from the previous editions of the competition. In 2020, team FinLine from the United Kingdom impressed both the jury and the public with an application designed to provide small and medium-sized businesses with free customised advice for suitable grants and investment options to overcome difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The application scooped the first place in its challenge, ‘An economy that works for people’, and also won the Public Choice Award. In 2021, the team of ITER IDEA from Italy repeated the same double success with an application facilitating women´s professional mobility in Europe. For details about all winning ideas, visit the EU Datathon website.

The teams shortlisted for this year´s final will receive an offer of support during the design phase and after the competition. The cooperation with the finalists includes invitations to open data events and webinars where the teams can meet data providers, get additional publicity for their projects and network.

Submit your idea by 31 March 2022. For detailed information, see the rules of the competition.

What are the prizes?

This is your chance to demonstrate the potential that open data presents in today’s society and, of course, your creativity and talent. It is also your chance to claim your share of the total prize fund amounting to EUR 200 000.

Twenty-four teams, six teams per challenge, will be pre-selected. If you are among them, you will be invited to further work on your idea and present a full proposal by 26 June 2022. The jury will evaluate the proposals and select twelve finalist teams, three teams per challenge. If you are among them, you will be invited to develop your application and present it at the final event on 20 October 2022. If you are not, you will receive a EUR 1 000 consolation prize.

The final ranking of the winning teams for each challenge will be decided at this event and the teams will be awarded the following prizes for each of the challenges:

  • First place: EUR 25 000
  • Second place: EUR 15 000
  • Third place: EUR 7 000

EU Datathon 2022 is organised by the Publications Office of the European Union and contributes to the European Year of Youth 2022 which features events and activities dedicated to young people all around Europe.

Discover the webinars

Learn more about the challenges in the preparatory webinars:

  • Webinar: TED in a nutshell, Friday, 18 February 2022, 10.00-10.30 CET. Download the presentation here.
  • Webinar: Finding data on, Friday, 25 February 2022, 15.00-15.30 CET. Download the presentation here.
  • Webinar: Your key to European statistics, Thursday, 17 March 2022, 10.00-10.30 CET. Explore their data browser here.
  • Webinar: Tour of the Urban Atlas, Friday, 18 March 2022, 14.00-14.30 CET. Download the presentation here.
  • Webinar: A peek into the ECB data warehouse, Friday, 25 March 2022, 16.00-16.30 CET. Download the presentation here.
EU Datathon 2022 workflow



Webinar 1

Webinar 2

Webinar 3

Webinar 4

Webinar 5





What is EU Datathon?

The sixth edition of the EU Datathon annual open data competition aims to prove the value of open data and to highlight opportunities for business models using EU institutions and national open data. Participating teams are required to develop mobile or web applications by using open datasets published by EU institutions and/or EU Member States. The EU needs the vision, engagement, and participation of all young people to build a better future that is greener, more inclusive, and digital. Data is at the heart of designing the necessary changes and EU should give incentives to younger generations to use EU data for more innovation in Europe, which is much needed for driving these changes. The EU Datathon is a key EU initiative aiming at creating new value for citizens through innovation and promoting the use of open data produced by the EU institutions. Thus, it can be a major forum for young data talents to display their ideas for shaping the future of the European Union.

EU Datathon not only gives the opportunity to people to highlight their talent and network, but also offers prizes worth EUR 200 000 in four different challenges thereby helping them to set the foundation of a start-up or boost an existing one.

The competition promotes open data as a free resource available to the wider public (not only participants) and to young people who can use it as a basis for an entrepreneurial venture.

The competition is organised by the Publications Office of the European Union.


The rules are based on the Articles 206 and 207 of the financial regulation. The competition will respect the principles of transparency and equal treatment.

  • The competition is open worldwide to anyone who is interested in creating a for-profit or non-profit (social) business model through data exploration and/or in creating open data prototype products based on open and public data.
  • A team can be composed of one or more individuals (up to 4), one or more companies (up to 4) or one or more other legal entities (up to 4).
  • The competition is not open to staff working in the EU institutions, agencies, bodies, partnering organisations or contractors of the Publications Office.
  • Teams can be composed of persons under the age of 18. If that is the case, a written consent of the parents is required.



The competition consists of four challenges. Each challenge is organised as a separate competition of equal importance (separate registration, pre-selection, selection, finalist teams, pitches, and prizes). Teams may participate in any or all of the following challenges.

Challenge 1: ‘A European Green Deal’

  • Develop an app that could be used to create a greener world, to boost efficient use of resources or to restore biodiversity and reduce pollution.
  • Combine at least one dataset from with any other publicly available dataset(s).


Challenge 2: ‘Transparency in public procurement’

  • A significant amount of public investment is spent through public procurement. Transparency in public procurement helps track how public money is spent, combat fraud and analyse economic and market trends. We invite developers to explore the mass of information available and develop an app to expose it in a transparent manner.
  • Combine the TED dataset (available via http or ftp protocol) with any other publicly available dataset(s).


Challenge 3: ‘EU public procurement opportunities for young people’

  • Public procurement is often perceived as a complex field, where only specialists are at ease in finding the information they need. We invite developers to propose an app that helps young people in supporting their personal, social, and professional development.
  • Combine the TED dataset (available via http or ftp protocol) with any other publicly available dataset(s).


Challenge 4: ‘A Europe fit for the digital age’

  • This is an open challenge. Develop a value-creating app for the digital age in any field that is not already covered by the previous challenges.
  • Combine at least one dataset from with any other publicly available dataset(s).





7 February

Competition launch

The rules of competition are published on the EU Datathon website.

Submit your idea

Participating teams enter the competition by filling the online form, where they outline their idea: short description of the proposed solution, target audience, EU open datasets to be used, etc.

31 March

by 23:59 CET

25 April

Pre-selection results announced

Pre-selection phase is concluded and all participating teams are notified. The pre-selected teams (6 per challenge) are announced on the EU Datathon website, start developing their idea into an app and preparing their full proposal for the next phase.

Submit your full proposal

The pre-selected teams submit their full proposals via email. Full proposal is a more detailed description of the idea originally submitted: it is a 10-slide deck presenting the features and datasets of the app, including mock-ups and/or a potential prototype.

26 June

by 23:59 CEST

15 July

Selection results announced

Selection phase is concluded and all participating teams are notified via email. The finalist teams (3 per challenge) are announced on the EU Datathon website, invited to further develop their app further and to present it in the competition finals.

Submit your video teaser

The finalist teams submit their video teasers via email. Video teaser is a 60-second video produced by the finalist team, which presents the app and the team working on it.

15 August

The final stretch

The finalist teams submit their apps and the supporting presentation slides, and are invited to rehearsals to practice the delivery of their pitch.

The week leading
to the finals

20 October

Competition finals

The finalist teams deliver their pitch, followed by a Q&A session. The apps are ranked, and the winning teams announced.



Phase 1 — Pre-selection

Pre-selection takes place after the closing date for submitting ideas to enter the competition.

During this phase, an internal jury assesses each submitted idea against the pre-selection criteria (table below) and grades all competing teams. For each challenge, the six teams having scored the highest number of points (top-6 per challenge) are pre-selected.


Pre-selection criteria

Maximum number of points

Relevance to the selected challenge


Relevance to a specific problem or need


Relevance of proposed data sources


Potential and creativity of the proposed solution


All participating teams will be notified via email about the pre-selection results of the challenge(s) they compete in.  

The pre-selected teams (top-6 per challenge) which will be announced on the EU Datathon website will be invited to start developing their idea into an app.

Phase 2 — Selection

Selection takes place after the closing date for submitting the full proposals.

In this phase, there are four juries per challenge, each assessing the full proposals submitted for the respective challenge. The juries may comprise experts, both internal and external to the EU institutions and agencies. The evaluation criteria and grading are the same as in the previous phase, but upon request, teams may also need to provide further information or clarifications about their proposal for the evaluation.

For each challenge, the three teams having scored the highest number of points (top-3 per challenge) will be selected.


Selection criteria

Maximum number of points

Relevance to the selected challenge


Relevance to a specific problem or need


Relevance of proposed data sources


Potential and creativity of the proposed solution


All participating teams will be notified via email about the selection results of the challenge(s) they compete in.  

The finalist teams (top-3 per challenge) which will be announced on the EU Datathon website will be invited to develop further their proposal into an app and compete in the final phase.

The remaining three teams will receive for their efforts a consolation prize of EUR 1 000 each. The Publications Office reserves the right not to award the prize to the team(s) which would be assessed to have failed to provide the requested deliverables and/or have failed to demonstrate that sufficient effort had been made for this phase of the competition.

Phase 3 — Competition finals

The final evaluation of the selected apps takes place during the competition finals, which will be an online event. If circumstances allow, a different setup for the final event may be chosen.

On the day of the competition finals, the finalist teams (top-3 per challenge) present their developed apps. Each pitch is supported with a slide-deck presentation and followed by a Q&A session.

A dedicated jury per challenge, consisting of at least five experts from within and outside the EU institutions and agencies, evaluates the presented apps of the challenge and ranks them against one another with the final award criteria in mind. The team with the best ranking across the jury members will win the challenge.

Final award criteria


· Relevance to the selected challenge

· Relevance to a specific economic and social problem or need

· Relevance of the proposed data sources

Open data reuse

· Creativity and innovativeness of the proposed solution (the Wow-effect)

· Interoperability with other data sources (linking potential)

· Visualisation(s) created

Fitness for purpose

· Problem definition and proposed solution clearly identified

· Maturity of the proposed solution (readiness of the application and usability)

· Impact of the proposed solution on the economy and/or everyday life

All finalist teams (top-3 per challenge) are required to submit a feedback report: fill-in a survey about their work on reusing EU open data and provide a follow-up of their apps. This survey is a prerequisite for the payment of the prizes.


The prizes are funded by the Digital Europe Programme and the European Parliament Preparatory Action on Transparency in Public Procurement.

The total award fund for the competition amounts to EUR 200 000 (EUR 50 000 for each challenge) and will be split in the following order for each challenge. The pre-selected teams that did not make it to the finals will receive EUR 1 000 each according to the provisions for the phase 2 (above).





EUR 25 000


EUR 15 000


EUR 7 000

4-6 (not admitted to the finals)

EUR 1 000 each



  • Choose a short, meaningful, and catchy name for your team.
  • The organisers can support participants in choosing the right challenge.
  • Consider creating a Twitter account for your team.
  • For the teasers, a briefing note with more info will be provided to the selected teams. Images and footage from early stages, such as team building or brainstorming can be of excellent value for your team’s teaser.
  • Check out the finals of previous editions, teasers, and testimonials on YouTube to be inspired.
  • Take harmonised, high-quality photos of your team members for the website.
  • The organisers can help you find the right challenge for your idea if you are unsure.




Participants may request any clarification up to five (5) working days before the closing date for submitting proposals. Requests for clarification should be submitted in writing to the following email address:


Payment of awards

The payments of awards are subject to the registration of the winners in the legal entity form and bank account file database of the European Commission. For this purpose, teams are required to provide, at the latest three weeks after having been pre-selected, all the necessary supporting documents, duly signed and stamped as necessary. The team must also decide to whom the prize money shall be transferred. Additional information as well as the templates for the creation of legal entity and bank account forms can be downloaded here. The Publications Office and its partners take no responsibility regarding the distribution of the awards within the teams. Finalist teams which do not deliver the full proposal and/or the developed application, will not be entitled to continue participating in the competition finals. Thus, they cannot claim any prize award.


Cancellation of the competition

The Publications Office reserves the right to cancel the competition before the competition finals without any obligation to indemnify the teams.


Intellectual property and copyright

In case teams use pre-existing material (such as open source) for their applications, they must guarantee that they have obtained all the necessary authorisations for such material to be used according to the rules described above. The one-page proposal submitted for the pre-selection will remain the property of the teams (authors) and will not be made public (or disclosed), but will be accessible to the jury. The final products delivered for the final selection will remain the property of the authors but will be accessible to the jury and to all teams at the competition finals. The EU institutions, agencies and bodies will be allowed to mention, describe, and promote on their channels (websites, social media, press releases, etc.) the winning applications with due reference to the authors without any further compensation.



The winning applications may be featured in the ‘Use cases’ section on Where appropriate, the name and copyright of the authors will be mentioned.


Processing of personal data

All personal data contained in the entry shall be processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons regarding the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices, and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC (OJ L 295, 21.11.2018, p. 39). Such data shall be processed by the Publications Office solely in connection with the implementation and follow-up of the entry of the winner, without prejudice to a transmission to the bodies in charge of a monitoring or inspection task in accordance with European Union legislation.

Teams may, upon written request, gain access to their personal data and correct any information that is inaccurate or incomplete. They should address any questions regarding the processing of their personal data to the Publications Office via the contact e-mail announced in the rules of the competition. The teams may, at any time, lodge a complaint against the processing of their personal data with the European Data Protection Supervisor. On the competition website the Publications Office will publish the name of the winning teams and of their members, their locality, the prize amount and the nature and purpose of their applications. Participants may request that the Publications Office waive such a publication if disclosure risks threatening their security and safety or if it could harm their commercial interest.


Sole liability of the teams

Neither the Publications Office nor the partners may be held responsible for any claim relating to the activities carried out by teams in the framework of the competition. Neither the Publications Office nor the partners shall be held liable for any damages caused or sustained by any of the teams, including any damages caused to third parties because of or during the implementation of the activities related to the competition.


Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

By submitting the project description teams declare that they are not in one of the situations mentioned in Article 136(1) of the Financial Regulation. Teams who are in any of those situations or fall into other categories indicated in Article 141 of the Financial Regulation shall be rejected from participating and from being awarded a prize under the present competition. The rejection shall be without prejudice to the decision of exclusion from participating in award procedures governed by the Financial Regulation and application of financial penalties (Articles 136-140 of the Financial Regulation).


Exclusion criteria and administrative sanctions

By submitting the project description teams declare that they are not in one of the situations mentioned in Article 136(1) of the Financial Regulation. Teams who are in any of those situations or fall into other categories indicated in Article 141 of the Financial Regulation shall be rejected from participating and from being awarded a prize under the present competition. The rejection shall be without prejudice to the decision of exclusion from participating in award procedures governed by the Financial Regulation and application of financial penalties (Articles 136-140 of the Financial Regulation).


Early Detection and Exclusion System

In case the participants are in one of the exclusion situations as stated above, personal data on them may be registered in the Early Detection and Exclusion System (EDES) in line with the Articles 135, 142, 143 and 144 of the Financial Regulation. For more information, see the privacy statement for EDES.


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Where the award procedure has been subject to irregularities or fraud, the Publications Office applies the measures referred to in Article 131 of the Financial Regulation.


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