Publications Office of the EU
2017 edition - EU Datathon
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EU Datathon 2017

Innovating for Europe with EU Open Data

Webinars Recording



In a nutshell wins with an app using public procurement data to help companies tap market opportunities

The first 'EU Datathon' took place in Brussels on 16 November promoting the reuse of data from the EU Open Data Portal.

Organised by the Publications Office of the European Union together with the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, 'EU Datathon 2017' challenged teams to create applications to address specific policy or societal issues in line with three key priorities for the European Union: jobs, growth and investment; the digital single market; and democratic change.

Evaluated by a jury of data professionals from both in and outside the EU institutions, from Belgium and Greece came in first place. They won the chance to present their project at the European Big Data Value Forum in Versailles this week (21-23 November 2017).

The C4P Platform gives insight into public procurement contracts in the EU, using data from TED (Tenders Electronic Daily) and the Financial Transparency System. The app aims to help enterprises growing their business across the EU, professionals examining public procurement, and young people planning career moves. In the words of Estonian Council Presidency Adviser Margus Mägi, C4P Platform '[…] contributes greatly to the business environment and transparency across Europe through its many user groups.'

LightOnEurope, from Germany, came in second place for its open source app which compares data in many topics. It uses geospatial information (GISCO), to visualise data easily by selecting, for example, cross-border regions on a map. Finally, Austrian team Unigraph ranked third with an application to organise data sources and facilitate searches using data from CORDIS, the Transparency Register and Wikidata.

EU Datathon 2017 award ceremony

EU Datathon 2017 winners (left), with OP DG Strohmeier and Estonian Presidency representative Margus Mägi (right)


Agenda, 16 November 2017

Margus Mägi
Opening speech
Margus Mägi (Digital policy adviser for EU Secretariat at Government Office of Estonia)
António Carneiro
Opening speech
António Carneiro (Director, Dissemination and reuse, Publications Office of the EU)
Finalists showcase their apps
First afternoon session: ‘Sustainability of open data business models’
Leo Mršić
Keynote speech
Leo Mršić (CEO, IN2data Ltd Data Science)
Norbert Hohn
Panel session
Norbert Hohn (Assistant to the Director-General, Publications Office of the EU)
Second afternoon session: ‘Strengthening the culture of open data’
Peter Wells
Keynote speech
Peter Wells (Head of policy, Open Data Institute)
Agnieszka Zając
Panel session
Agnieszka Zając (Deputy head of unit, EU Open Data and CORDIS, Publications Office of the EU)
Award ceremony
Rudolf Strohmeier
Closing speech
Rudolf Strohmeier (Director-General, Publications Office of the EU)
Awarding of prizes to winners



Description of app: generates intelligence about the EU market for the benefit of the public sector, companies and citizens using data science.

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Athanasios Staveris-Polykalas
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Andreas Thanopoulos


DataBio Linked Data Group

Description of app: Advanced linked open data processing and analysis from the DataBio Linked Data Group application #LOD #BigData #Digitalisation.

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Christian Zinke



Description of app: Dreaming of #working in another EU country? Daunted by the choice and by the different working conditions? The @EvodevoSrl app helps you choose!

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Loredana Ceccacci
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Danilo Pecorino
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Daniele Pasquini



Description of app: How to break the complexity of EU regulations, including GDPR? Let’s use WEB 3.0 SKOS semantic trees of knowledge and search.

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Michal Danilák



Description of app: Explore Europe’s open data by drawing a polygon on the map.

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Karina Krampf
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Jakob Miksch
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Martin Sudmanns


Oehoe Data Science

Description of app: Our application enables understanding of healthy food habits throughout the EU and how the agri-food sector provides for this.

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Micha Bouts
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Gijs van Haastrecht
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Teresa Mota



Description of app: Our app uses open data to find #FreeWiFi spots nearby, #ItLetsYouVote for more! And #ItHelpsPolicyMakers to plan accordingly.

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Fernando Aguilar Gómez
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Octavio Zamudio López



Description of app: OpEnergy applys #openknowledge and open data to break info barriers towards a sustainable EU future and transparent #energy single market.

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Charalampos Bratsas
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Kleanthis Koupidis
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Anastasia Martzopoulou



Description of app: Network analysis to illuminate the ties between politics and business.

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Alberto Cottica
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Maurizio Napolitano



Description of app: Transparency for all: bringing disperse datasets together to create valuable insights and promote accountability.

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Martin Linkov
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Atanas Youroukov






Webinar 1

Webinar 2

Webinar 3

Webinar 4






Just as would be the case in a hackathon, participants are invited to develop web applications or mobile solutions working with at least one (or more) dataset produced by the EU institutions or agencies, combined or not with others from local, national or supranational government bodies.

The difference is that developers will not be gathered in the same place on a certain day but will send their proposals to the jury for preselection before a given date. The preselected teams will then be invited to develop their project and to present it in Brussels during the main event, on 16 November.

Teams are encouraged to build applications that address a policy or societal challenge of their choice. These could be apps that use open data for such goals as improved mobility, education or public health, healthier environment etc. 

The only condition is to use at least one dataset available via the EU Open Data Portal.


- promote the reuse of open data as an enabler in the growing data economy;
- produce innovative applications, including visualisations;
- stimulate the use of open data issued from the public administrations and to engage with new audiences.


The EU Datathon is open to anyone, including data scientists, computer programmers, graphic and interface designers, data journalists, data community activists, IT project managers, etc. who are interested in trying to creatively tackle societal challenges through data exploration and/or create prototype products based on open data.

The EU Datathon is open to teams and companies based in the EU or EFTA (European Free Trade Association) countries.

One member of the team will be the contact person. For the preselected teams, two team members will be invited to the final event in Brussels on 16 November 2017.

The EU Datathon competition is not open to staff working in the EU institutions.


The goal of the contest is to tackle one (or more) of the challenges given by using at least one dataset (e.g. on mobility, public health, education or the environment) from the EU Open Data Portal, combined or not with others coming from local, national or supranational government bodies.

The result should be an original mobile or web application that will help improve the everyday lives of all citizens. In order to increase chances of winning, it could also contain the following.

  1. One of these specific datasets from the EU Open Data Portal, such as:
    1. TED dataset;
    2. CORDIS dataset;
    3. Transparency Register dataset;
    4. European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations dataset.
  2. Export feature for data in CSV format and possibly in PDF, JPEG or PNG files.
  3. Search feature making it possible to perform queries.
  4. Alert feature for updates, possibly allowing the user to configure the alerts they want to receive.
  5. Submission feature for questions, comments or annotations on specific results.
  6. Save results feature for later consultation.
  7. Share feature to e-mail, social media and other channels.

For more information about these features or any other dataset, feel free to register for the explanatory webinar.


Phase 1 Introduction webinars

The first webinar explaining EU datasets and the EU Open Data Portal will take place on 28 September 2017. This webinar (registration being optional) will allow participants to learn more about the datasets they are interested in. The second webinar with different data providers and different datasets will take place on 3 October 2017. Due to the success of previous webinars, we are offering a third one, with new datasets! We're also extending the deadline for registrations to 15 October! Watch this space!

Phase 2 Team registration with proposal for an app

Participants will submit a proposal (short description of the idea) for the mobile or web application they wish to develop by 15 October 2017.

Phase 3 Notification of shortlisted teams

The internal panel will evaluate the proposals based on the criterion ‘Relevance’ and announce the shortlisted teams on 23 October 2017. The evaluation of the shortlisted teams will follow the ‘Evaluation criteria’.

Phase 4 Submission of final app

The teams will submit their final app for the evaluation by 12 November 2017.

Phase 5 Final event in Brussels

The preselected teams (represented by one or two members) will be invited to the final phase in Brussels on 16 November 2017. Transport and accommodation will be provided by the organisers in due time. (Please do not book anything in advance as refunds will not be possible.) The final event will include:

- pitch presentations and demonstrations of the projects by the teams;
- speeches from international open data experts on relevant topics;
- announcement of the winners and award of the prizes.


  Criteria Points


Is the solution relevant to one of the three Junker’s priorities of this competition?

Is the solution relevant across Europe?



Is there an evident added value of the solution?



Does the solution introduce new ideas or methods?

Does it bring a novel or creative solution to a challenge relevant to the Junker’s priorities?


Technical achievement

Readiness to use

Ease of use

To what extent are the principles of openness applied?



Does it make optimal use of open data?

Replicability: is the solution easy to implement/use across Europe?


The three Junker priorities for this competition:

- Jobs, growth and investment;
- Digital single market;
- Democratic change.


The EU Datathon jury members will come from within and outside the European Union institutions and from the Estonian Presidency, from statistical domain to policymaking domains. The full list of jury members is published in the speakers tab.


The winners of the EU Datathon will be invited to present their project at the European Big Data Value Forum, a key European event for industry professionals, business developers, researchers, and policy makers to discuss the challenges and opportunities of the European data economy and data-driven innovation in Europe.  The event will be held in Versailles (Palais des Congrès), France, from 21 to 23 November 2017. Registration, travel and accommodation costs for two persons from the winning team will be covered.


The Publications Office has the right to terminate the contest before its closing date without any obligation to indemnify contestants.


Phase 1: the description of projects submitted for the preselection will remain property of the participants and will not be made public (or disclosed).

Phase 2: the shortlisted full projects will remain property of the developers but will be accessible to the jury and to the participants of the event.

Phase 3: the three winning app(s) will remain property of the owner(s). However, the EU institutions will be allowed to mention and promote on their channels (website, social media, press releases, etc.) the winning app(s) without any further economic compensation. In particular, the winning app(s) will be featured in the 'Applications' section of the EU Data Portal. Other shortlisted apps may also be promoted under these conditions. Where appropriate, the name and copyright of the creators will be mentioned.

In case the participants use pre-existing material for their apps, they guarantee that they have obtained all the necessary authorisations in order for such material to be used according to the rules described above.




Any questions?


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