Publications Office of the EU
Representations Seminar 2019 - Representations Seminar 2019


Annual Information Seminar for EC Representations

Room L-130 11B

25 September 2019


9.00 - 9.30 Registration and coffee
      9.30       Welcome
Rudolf Strohmeier, Director-General, Publications Office
      9.40       OP Portal News
Tapio Kovero, OP Portal
      10.00       The EU Publications website : Privileged user services for you
Marina Tătărâm, Stakeholder Relations
      10.20       Producing publications with the OP
Mare Maxwell, Multimedia and publications
10.40 - 11.00 Coffee break
      11.00       Drive your publications policy forward with the EU publications analytics 
Sergio Leal, OP Portal 
      11.30       Language editing services
Dana Molnar Andreica, Quality Control
      11.50       Surveys – at your service
Ludovic Foigne, Stakeholder Relations
12.15 - 14.00 Lunch break
      14.00       Reach your audience with our distribution services
Anton Zagar, Print and Distribution
      14.20       Results of the EU Datathon 2019 competition
Simon Steuer, EU Open Data and CORDIS
      14.40       Interactive session: "Communicating the EU to children and teenagers – Learning corner"
Young People Team in COMM.A2
15.30 - 15.45 Coffee break
      15.45       Interactive session: "Improving general information to the public in the EU"
General Public Team in COMM.A2
      16.30       Close
Cécile Adam, Stakeholder Relations
      16.45       Cocktail