Publications Office of the EU
ESPD Seminar 2020 - ESPD Seminar 2020
Agenda 2020


Annual ESPD Seminar


Organised by the Publications Office of the European Union


Agenda of 3rd December 2020


  • 10h00 - 10h10TESTING CONNECTIONS
  • 10h10 - 10h15WELCOME SPEECH 
    Maria Manuela Cruz, Publications Office
  • 10h15 - 12h35ESPD evolution 
    • Introduction (S. BERENGUER, Publications Office)
    • Online Workspace and documentation (H. RICO, Everis)
    • ESPD Code Lists (N. MURIC, Publications Office)
    • ESPD-EDM & eForms (P. SOTO, Everis)
    • ESPD 2020 evolution (H. RICO, Everis)
    • 11.20 - 11.45BREAK 
    • Validator tool. Maven repository (M. FONT, Everis)
    • Summary of the changes in ESPD v3.0 (P. SOTO, Everis)
    • Questions and answers
  • 12.35 - 12.55New eCertis 
    Marc Christopher SCHMIDT, EC DG GROW
  • 12.55 - 13.00Conclusions of the seminar 
    Maria Manuela Cruz, Publications Office