Publications Office of the EU
Contribution guidelines - Endorse 2021
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ENDORSE - The European Data Conference on Reference Data and Semantics 16-19 March 2021ENDORSE - The European Data Conference on Reference Data and Semantics 16-19 March 2021

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Contribution guidelines

Contribution Guidelines Duplicate 1

Before submitting a proposal, please read the instructions below carefully.

Types of presentation

When submitting your proposal, select the presentation format most conducive to showcasing your work.

  • You will have a limited amount of time to make your presentation – up to 10 minutes.
  • You should present summaries or overviews of your work (purpose, procedures, outcomes or product).
  • Presentations are grouped according to topic into themed sessions.
  • Visual supports may be used (paper handouts, computer slides or digital displays) to assist the delivery of your oral presentation.

30-60 minutes will be allotted to lightning talks (up to 12 speakers will be heard).

  • You should summarise information or research concisely and attractively to help inform people about it and generate discussion, to attract people’s attention and to serve as a conversation starter.
  • Visuals must be used (background information necessary to put your work into context, understand what you have done, etc.)

Up to 30 minutes per session.

  • They are proposed to provide peer-supported advice on your most pressing problems.
  • Participants will be divided into small groups and each participant will take it in turns to present their problem and have it brainstormed by the group.

In 10-minute cycles.

  • You will be provided with a platform to have your ideas heard (a short time is given to present on stage an issue that is important to you).
  • Challenging views are encouraged, as well as the sharing of any projects or pieces of research likely to be of interest to the audience.

The format is informal and sessions are limited to 30 minutes in total.

  • You can present projects, demonstrate technology or pitch ideas.
  • A presenter will help to introduce the acts and keep the audience engaged.
  • Between 5-7 ‘acts’ perform before the audience is asked to vote on their favourite.

You have 3-5 minutes to demo your concepts (ideally visually).

  • Workshop sessions will involve extensive interaction between presenters and participants around an idea or hands-on experience of a practice.

Maximal duration: 120 minutes.

Promotional conversations are permissible. However, products or services may not be sold at the conference.


Instructions and deadlines

Abstracts, focus and bibliographies must be submitted on 27 November 2020 at the latest. Relevant topics must be specified.

Presentations (8-10 slides maximum) and videos must be submitted on 22 January 2021 at the latest. Final papers (up to 5 000 words) must be submitted by 19 March 2021.

Accepted proposals will have to be presented by at least one author, who is expected to register for the conference. Accepted papers that cannot be presented during the conference will not be made available on the conference website.



The proposal must be submitted in English or French, as these will be the conference languages.



Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract (up to 750 words) of the presentation they would like to give, together with a short abstract (up to 250 words) and a description of their focus (up to 350 words). A short biography of all authors is also requested.

Please provide a concise description of the purpose, methods, and implications of your work. This will be used to evaluate your work and place in the appropriate session.

The long abstract should facilitate a deeper understanding of the submitted work and should consist of clearly written text.

Short abstracts will appear in the conference programme and will help participants choose which sessions to attend.

Workshop proposals (up to 750 words) should describe the topic/goal of the workshop and provide an outline of how the proposed workshop will be structured.


Focus and target audience

Indicate if your work has a practice, research or theory focus. Note the required components of the proposal for each focus area.

  • Domain and framework;
  • Description of practical application.
  • Outcomes.
  • Implications.

  • Thesis statement.
  • Methodology.
  • Results.
  • Conclusions and implications.

  • Statement of the hypothesis.
  • Relationship to existing theories or perspectives in the field.
  • How the proposed idea advances knowledge in the field or benefits society.


Topic selection

Topic selections will be used to begin the process of organising presentations into sessions and to determine the structure of the conference proceedings, which will be published along with the presentations after the conference on the Publications Office’s web portal (EU Vocabularies website).

Multiple-authored formal papers and presentations are welcome but only one article may be included in the conference proceedings.

Topics in each area of interest include, but are not limited to, the following.

  • Accuracy, trustworthiness, consistency.
  • Relevancy, completeness, timeliness of data.
  • Ease of understanding, interoperability.
  • Accessibility, licensing, interlinking.
  • Data ecosystems.
  • Discovery from big data.
  • Technologies.
  • Eco-friendly data.

  • Data models.
  • Knowledge graphs.
  • Business process management.
  • Formats.
  • Data mining and knowledge discovery in databases.
  • Data interoperability, ontologies and meta-ontologies.
  • Meta-knowledge graphs and linked open data.
  • Indexing to ease the search, and beyond?

  • Multilingual terminology management NLPs.
  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence.
  • Disambiguation.
  • Linguistic intelligence.

  • Means to learn about data initiatives and standards.
  • Communities of practice.
  • Collaborative work and activities.
  • Best practice.
  • Governance or guidance?
  • Need for a legal framework.


Biographical Information

This should include your organisation, institution, public service or company, your position or title and a short statement of interests.

Short abstracts and biographies of accepted papers/presentations will be used in the online programme and event advertising.



  • The call for presentation proposals opens on 29 October 2020
  • The deadline for the submission of abstracts of presentation proposals is 27 November 2020
  • The review of presentation proposals will take place in November-December 2020.
  • The decisions of the Programme Committee will be notified to all potential speakers by 14 December 2020. Note: Unfortunately, due to a high number of proposals, the provisional deadline for notifying conference speakers had to be extended. The Programme Committee is working hard to assess all submissions as quickly as possible. The potential speakers will be notified within the next few days.
  • Speakers must submit their presentations by 22 January 2021.
  • ENDORSE takes place on 16–19 March 2021.
  • All speakers who want their presentations published must submit their final texts by 19 March 2021.