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The EU Open Data Days 
EU DataViz and EU Datathon

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The EU Open Data Days 
EU DataViz and EU Datathon

Submissions qlik

EU Open Data Days attract 247 proposals!

The call for submissions of proposals, closed on 21 May 2021, has attracted 247 proposals for both parts of the event, with 151 proposals to shape the programme of EU DataViz and 96 ideas for open data applications to compete in EU Datathon. The proposals are now being evaluated by the two Programme Committees and the contributors will be notified about the results in the course of June and July, respectively.

Looking at the geographical origins of the submissions, they come from across Europe and far beyond, representing 47 countries, including 24 EU Member States. The represented sectors are equally diverse, covering the private sector as the one most represented, followed by academia and the public sector. Building on such diversity, the first EU Open Data Days promise for an inspiring and highly relevant event for all segments of the society.


Call for proposals - Page text block

Speak at EU DataViz 2021!

We are looking for speakers to help shape a highly relevant conference programme. Are you an expert on open data and/or data visualisation? We encourage you to share your ideas, successful projects and best practices, to help shape Europe’s digital future.

Contributors from all over the world and from all sectors are welcome: academics, private entities, journalists, data visualisation freelancers, graphic designers and civil servants from international, EU and national organisations.

We are looking for innovative and fresh ideas that are engaging, filled with learnings, and can have a practical impact at EU level and, eventually, beyond, to help build a stronger community in the field of EU open data and visualisation, to better serve citizens.

Издател на активи

You can submit your proposal for:

  • Plenary speeches. These address topics pertinent to the latest developments in open data and/or data visualisation. They should aim to foster best practices, new use cases, emerging trends and developments to inspire the audience and broaden their minds. Estimated duration: 30–45 minutes.
  • Thematic sessions. In these, you can share your knowledge and experiences with a more practical and hands-on approach. These sessions can showcase initiatives and their results, as well the steps of an open data and data visualisation projects, from concept design and prototyping to refining and release, including lessons learned and practical tips. Estimated duration: 45–60 minutes (including questions and answers).

Potential topics that we intend to address include but are not limited to the following:


Day 1: Open data – 23 November 2021

This day will cast light on open data as the ‘fuel’ for shaping Europe’s digital future. Challenges and benefits of reusing data and the issue of making them interoperable will be discussed, along with other related topics.

Open data topics:

  • how to successfully overcome challenges to make open data widely accessible;
  • open data initiatives supporting policymaking;
  • successful / high-impact examples of generating value from reuse of open data in government and the private sector;
  • digital platforms and the future open data spaces – the European open data space;
  • data governance, e.g. exploring new opportunities and challenges in the European data space and the European data strategy;
  • use cases and best practices from international, national and regional entities;
  • how to enhance data quality, data interoperability and linked open data;
  • knowledge and expertise sharing and building a community of data practitioners;
  • any other contributions to support making Europe fit for the digital age.


Day 2: Data visualisation – 24 November 2021

Featuring the most innovative techniques and technologies in the field, this day will be dedicated to examples and best practices of presenting data in an attractive, efficient and ethical way, and to the methods of applying data-visualisation techniques for various purposes.

Data visualisation topics:

  • tools and cutting-edge technologies on (data) visualisation;
  • emerging trends in data visualisation;
  • effective visualisation in the age of big data;
  • examples of successful use cases of data visualisation in various sectors and their applicability in the public sector;
  • effective communication tools and processes for data visualisation for policymakers, decision-makers and the general public.

The proposals received will be evaluated by the EU DataViz 2021 Programme Committee, according to the following criteria. 


Evaluation criterion

Maximum No of points


Relevance of the proposal to the EU DataViz Conference, i.e. whether it is engaging and can be put into practice at EU level to better serve citizens and help shape Europe’s digital future.



Clarity and quality of the proposal



Innovative approach or professional expertise of the contributor



Applicability to the EU public sector and/or use of EU or European open data in the proposal








Participants may contact us for any clarification at:

Any questions and answers relevant to potential contributors will be published on the EU DataViz website.

The proposals submitted will be evaluated by the following Programme Committee members according to the above evaluation criteria:


 Day 1 -Open data

 Day 2 - Data visualisation

  • BURUIANA Corina - Secretariat General of the European Commission
  • FARFÁN VELASCO Inmaculada - Publications Office
  • FERNÁNDEZ NEBREDA Beatriz - Publications Office
  • FRIIS-CHRISTENSEN Anders - Joint Research Centre
  • RIZZI Daniele - DG CNECT
  • SOMMER Reet - European Parliament
  • URHAUSEN Julia - Eurostat
  • ZAJAC Agnieszka - Publications Office
  • FARFÁN VELASCO Inmaculada - Publications Office
  • FERNÁNDEZ NEBREDA Beatriz - Publications Office
  • MCGARRY Darren - Joint Research Centre
  • NIETO Jesús - European Court of Auditors
  • NYMAND-ANDERSEN Per - European Central Bank
  • PEREZ Carlos - Publications Office
  • REUTER Hannes - Eurostat
  • RUEHRINGER Maria - Joint Research Centre
  • SCORTARIU Anca-Daniela - DG COMM

  1. Intellectual property and copyright

If contributors wish to use pre-existing material, they must guarantee that they have obtained all the necessary authorisation for such material to be used according to the rules described above. 


All material submitted will remain the property of the contributor but the plenary and thematic sessions will be recorded and published on the YouTube channel of the Publications Office and on the EU DataViz website. Supporting materials (e.g. presentations) will be published on the EU DataViz website. 


The EU institutions, agencies and bodies will be allowed to mention, describe and promote on their channels (websites, social media, press releases, etc.) the contributions with due reference to the author, without providing the latter any further economic compensation. 

  1. Processing of personal data 

All personal data contained in the contribution shall be processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC. 


Such data shall be processed by the Publications Office solely in connection with the conference, as well as a possible transmission to the bodies (e.g. Court of Auditors) in charge of a monitoring or inspection task in accordance with European Union legislation. 


Contributors may, upon written request, gain access to their personal data and correct any information that is inaccurate or incomplete. They should address any questions regarding the processing of their personal data to the Publications Office via the contact email indicated in the call for contributions. The contributors may, at any time, lodge a complaint against the processing of their personal data with the European Data Protection Supervisor. 


On the EU DataViz website the Publications Office will publish the name of the contributors, their short CV, their locality, their job description and their social media accounts. Contributors may request that the Publications Office withhold such a publication if disclosure risks threatening their security and safety or if it could harm their commercial interest. 


For further information about the processing and protection of your personal data, please consult the privacy statement. 

  1. Sole liability of the contributors 

Neither the Publications Office nor its partners may be held responsible for any claim relating to the activities carried out by contributors in the framework of the conference. 


Neither the Publications Office nor its partners shall be held liable for any damages caused or sustained by any of the contributors, including any damages caused to third parties as a consequence of or during the implementation of the activities related to the conference. 

  1. Applicable law and competent jurisdiction 

The conference is governed by the applicable European Union law complemented, where necessary, by the law of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The General Court or, on appeal, the Court of Justice of the European Union, shall have sole jurisdiction to hear any dispute between the EU and any contributor concerning the interpretation of the rules of this call for contributions if such a dispute cannot be settled amicably.   

Call for proposals - Key dates


Key dates

This will be a fully online event. Speakers will have the option to either present remotely or play a pre-recorded video of their presentation at the conference. Either option will be followed by question and answer sessions with participants in real time.


key dates image