Publications Office of the EU
Newsletter of the Publications Office: April 2023 edition - Publikácie EÚ
April 23 newsletter

Issue 116

April 2023

ISSN 2315-0017

Spotlight on the EU Single Market

The EU single market, which celebrates its 30th anniversarythis year, has been one of the European Union's greatest succes stories. Since its inception in 1993, citizens and businesses have reaped the rewards of free movement, including the ability to travel, work, operate and invest more easily across the EU. Importantly, the EU single market has been much more than a legal framework or just a market: it has been an area of freedom, progress, opportunity, growth, and shared prosperity.

The benefits the single market has brought are numerous and far-reaching. It has created new opportunities and more choices for people and businesses. It has set common values and standards, in product quality, consumer protection, recognition of professional qualifications and many more. It has helped businesses grow and weather difficult times by providing more options for markets and supply chains. It supports finding solutions to new challenges, such as the energy crisis. Overall, it has brought significant economic benefits. It is estimated that, in the long run, it has increased the EU’s GDP by up to 9% compared to what would have been the case without it. Overall, the single market has been instrumental in driving growth and prosperity for the EU.

Today, the single market is more important than ever as the driving force for the EU to address new challenges and as a geopolitical asset. It is helping accelerate the green transition, build up an integrated EU energy market, and it is supporting the digitalisation of the economy. It will clearly continue to play a critical role in driving growth and innovation in the EU. However, joint efforts are needed to ensure it functions smoothly. These include enforcing existing rules and removing barriers to further integration. With the potential to add billions to the economy, a strong and unified single market will remain a top priority for the EU now and in the future.

This edition of our newsletter presents a selection of EU publications on the single market, along with publications on other interesting topics.

Happy birthday PDF

The single market turns 30! 1993-2023

This is a celebratory factsheet giving an overview of the achievements, importance, and benefits of the European single market over the last 30 years.

Available in English

30 years of single market PDF

Taking stock and looking ahead: an analytical contribution

This paper reflects on the achievements and challenges of the EU's single market 30 years after its establishment. It examines the progress made in integrating goods and services and removing barriers, it explores the role of the single market in driving EU resilience, and it highlights the need for a new momentum and stronger ambition to further develop the single market.

Available in English

The “completeness” of the EU single market in comparative perspective PDF

This publication provides a perspective on the progress of the EU's single market 30 years after its inception. By comparing the single market governance, economic flows, and political attitudes in the EU to those in the United States, this paper offers insights into Europe's progress towards completing its single market, as well as the potential benefits of further integration.

Available in English

More on this topic

Single Market Emergency Instrument PDF

Recent crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic have disrupted the normal functioning of the single market and Europe’s economic activity. The Single Market Emergency Instrument builds on the lessons learned from these crises to ensure that Europe is better prepared to face possible emergencies in the future. Find out more about the instrument and its expected benefits in this factsheet.

Available in English

Removal of taxation-based obstacles and distortions in the single market in order to encourage cross border investment PDF

This publication discusses the impact of the 27 different national tax systems in the EU on cross-border business activity in the EU single market. It explores current obstacles and offers perspectives on short and long-term solutions to counter them, offering valuable insights for policymakers seeking to encourage cross-border investment.

Available in English

Contribution to growth PDF

The European digital single market: delivering economic benefits for citizens and businesses

The European digital single market aims to boost economic growth and to benefit citizens and businesses. This publication takes stock of the progress made towards achieving this goal through legislative measures and highlights areas that require further attention. It provides an overview of the economic benefits already realised and proposes candidate initiatives for the next legislative term.

Available in English and Polish

Also out recently

The year that war returned to Europe PDF

EU foreign policy in 2022

2022 has been the year of Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified war against Ukraine. How did the EU react, maintaining its unity and overcoming many obstacles? Are the sanctions against Russia working? How did the EU respond to the weaponisation of energy by Russia? This publication brings together a collection of blog posts, op-eds and speeches, through which the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell Fontelles addresses such questions and many others that dominated EU foreign and security policy in 2022.

Available in English

Frontex 2022 in brief PDF

2022 was marked by significant turbulences for Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, not only at the EU frontiers, but also internally. This report outlines the main activities and achievements of Frontex in 2022, including its swift response following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to assist Member States, as well EU neighbours, in helping millions of refugees seeking shelter from the war. It also discusses several measures that have been taken in a quest to improve the functioning and the accountability of Frontex.

Available in English

Increasing European added value in an age of global challenges PDF

Mapping the cost of non-Europe (2022-2032)

This study explores the potential benefits of further EU integration or, in other words, the 'cost of non-Europe' across 50 policy areas. Discover how further EU integration could generate over €2.8 trillion per year by 2032 and how it could provide a sustainable path forward for a prosperous and peaceful future for all.

Available in English

In your language

Find your job in Europe PDF

European (online) job days

The European (Online) Job Days are a flagship initiative that brings together jobseekers and employers from across the EU. Its aim is to help employers to recruit suitable candidates, help jobseekers to find the best opportunities abroad, and assist institutions and services committed to job-mobility across the EU. The initiative is implemented through a platform, which facilitates online recruitment fairs and matches jobseekers with employers in other European countries in a wide variety of sectors for free.

Available in all official languages of the EU; also in Icelandic and Norwegian

EU support to the people in Türkiye and Syria following the earthquakes PDF

On 6 February, a powerful earthquake of magnitude 7.8 – one of the strongest earthquakes in the region in more than 100 years – struck the south-eastern Anatolia region of Türkiye, affecting 11 provinces in Türkiye and 6 governorates in Syria. Another powerful 7.5 quake occurred on the same day. The European Union immediately mobilised substantial emergency support for people affected by the earthquake in both countries. Find out more in this factsheet.

Available in all official languages of the EU; also in Arabic and Turkish

Research and innovation

CORDIS results pack on agroecology PDF/Paper

The EU has set ambitious targets for the agricultural sector. Not only do Europe’s farmers need to ensure a reliable supply of high-quality food and non-food products at competitive prices, they must also deliver on the environmental commitments of the EU Green Deal and farm to fork strategy. This results pack presents 14 EU-funded research projects that are helping to shape the future of farming. These projects are contributing to an increased understanding of the practical implementation of agroecological practices, along with their environmental, climate, economic and social benefits.

Available in English, French, German, Italian, Polish and Spanish

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EDPS TechDispatch PDF

Central bank digital currency

Partially motivated by the growing use of digital payments, cryptocurrencies, and e-commerce, many central banks across the globe are considering launching their own state-owned digital currencies. Such currencies offer more flexibility compared to non-digital ones and are seen as a potential solution for central banks to modernise their monetary tools. This publication by the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) explores the topic further.

Available in English

Throwaway PDF/Paper

The history of a modern crisis

Across centuries, Europeans have transformed the world by producing, consuming, and accumulating goods and materials. 'Throwaway – The history of a modern crisis’ is a multifaceted project that unearths the hidden history of waste and our complex relationship to it. The publication explores waste through the lens of history, archaeology, sociology, anthropology, and art. It invites you to take a fresh look at rubbish for yourself. If we are what we throw away, what does Europe’s trash tell us about our past, present, and future?

Available in English

The influence of social media on the development of children and young people PDF

This study analyses the research on how the excessive use of social media affects the development of children and young people. While recognising the advantages of social media in connecting young people, the study concentrates on the negative effects associated with problematic use. Further, it explores possible solutions in line with the EU's policies and regulatory developments, with a specific focus on ensuring that children are safeguarded, secure, and capable of making informed decisions when they are online.

Available in English

Our news

On 14-16 March 2023, the Publications Office of the EU and Interoperable Europe hosted the second edition of the European Data Conference on Reference Data Semantics (ENDORSE) ,focused on multilingual reference data.
The online event gathered more than 600 registered participants from around the world and featured an impressive line-up of speakers, including Xavier Bettel (Prime Minister of Luxembourg), Johannes Hahn (European Commissioner for Budget and Administration), Hilde Hardeman (Director-General of the Publications Office), Veronica Gaffey (Director-General for Informatics at the European Commission), together with 72 reference data experts.
The three days of debates centred on topics related to standards, semantics, and interoperability, bringing into view new trends and strategies. As highlighted in the closing speeches, the identified trends included the need to build functional communities of dialogue around data spaces and the importance of using Artificial Intelligence solutions. Other speakers highlighted the need for a minimum number of standards ‘to make the system work’.
ENDORSE provides a highly needed discussion platform where users can find tools, data, and ideas to work with. It is accessible to anyone interested in learning and sharing experience. The programme and full list of speakers are published on the event’s page, where you can also watch the recorded live sessions: ENDORSE join us live - Endorse 2023 - Publications Office of the EU (

Access to European Union law

The online library and bookshop of the European Union

Public procurement within the European Union

The official portal for European data

EU-funded research projects and their results

The official directory of the European Union