Publications Office of the EU
Home - TED eSenders Webinar 2022
Title of event eSenders Webinar 2022

Annual TED eSenders Seminar

Seminar organised by the Publications Office of the European Union

Online/Luxembourg, 12-13 December 2022
TED eSenders Webinar - Home page

The annual TED eSenders Seminar will take place online over two half-days from 12 to 13 December 2022.

This seminar is dedicated, as every year, to all eSenders who provide procurement notices to be published on TED, including national Official Journals, contracting bodies, public or private bodies acting on behalf of contracting bodies, as well as eProcurement software developers.
The seminar addresses various issues and concerns of current and future TED eSenders and it allows practitioners to stay up to date on the latest developments undertaken by the Publications Office of the European Union and the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs of the European Commission.
As you can see in the agenda, this year’s seminar will focus again on the implementation and plans for the new generation of electronic standard forms (eForms) that became available in November 2022.

The first afternoon will provide a business overview of the current status of eForms and the following morning will provide the technical core of the seminar.

The seminar will take place online using the Webex application.

Register by 9 December 12:00 CET to make sure that you get the connection details as well as the latest updates. 

The sessions will be recorded and you are also kindly invited to read our privacy statement.

If you have any questions, please contact

We look forward to welcoming you at this year’s TED eSenders webinar.