This Brief seeks to address the lack of systematic, comparable data on Russia’s engagement in West Africa. Such data is crucial for assessing the threat posed by Russian-sponsored FIMI, which often serves as a tool to advance broader strategic objectives in regions where Russia seeks to expand i...
Abschluss eines Vertrages (Laufzeit höchsten 7 Jahre.) über die konventionelle gewerbliche Bewachung der Bundeswehrliegenschaft Rittersturz-Kaserne in 56112 Lahnstein nach VSVgV....
SEFAP25016 Procedura aperta per l’affidamento tramite accordo quadro con unico operatore economico, per conto del Comune di Bagnoregio, dei servizi tecnici di Progettazione (PFTE e PE), Coordinamento della sicurezza in fase di Progettazione (CSP) ed esecuzione (CSE) e Direzione lavori (DL) inere...
Ukraine, migration, and the economy were uppermost on the agenda of the European Council in 2023 as EU leaders sought to maximise support for the victim of Russia's military aggression, cope with a rising number of refugees and asylum seekers and halt the EU's declining global competitiveness. T...
Gwarancję na działania zewnętrzne utworzono w 2021 r. rozporządzeniem (UE) 2021/947 ustanawiającym Instrument Sąsiedztwa oraz Współpracy Międzynarodowej i Rozwojowej – „Globalny wymiar Europy” (rozporządzenie w sprawie ISWMR – „Globalny wymiar Europy”). Opiera się ona na dwóch istniejących wcześ...
A tervrajzok vázlatokkal, méretekkel és magyarázatokkal szolgálnak. Ez a jelentés színes képet vázol fel az Európai Beruházási Bank 2022-as projektjeinek kedvezményezettjeiről. Adatokat tartalmaz nagyarányú beruházási tevékenységünk méreteiről, valamint arról, hogy milyen fontossággal bírtak hit...
As we navigate an evolving disaster risk landscape in Europe, we should acknowledge the lessons we have learned and the progress we have made in finding solutions to some of the challenges we have been grappling with. Several initiatives funded by the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) have...
This analytical report provides an overview of cyber-enabled hybrid interference in the Western Balkans, along with recommendations on how to improve approaches to effectively counter these threats. To this end, the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) designed and conducted a s...