Publications Office of the EU
Written question E-006741/12 Clemente Mastella (PPE), Antonello Antinoro (PPE), Aldo Patriciello (PPE), Salvatore Iacolino (PPE), Luigi Ciriaco De Mita (PPE), Crescenzio Rivellini (PPE), Lara Comi (PPE), Paolo Bartolozzi (PPE), Giuseppe Gargani (PPE), Giovanni La Via (PPE), Vito Bonsignore (PPE), Marco Scurria (PPE), Iva Zanicchi (PPE), Sergio Berlato (PPE), Gabriele Albertini (PPE), Potito Salatto (PPE), Carlo Fidanza (PPE), Cristiana Muscardini (PPE), Sergio Paolo Francesco Silvestris (PPE), Antonio Cancian (PPE), Alfredo Pallone (PPE) and Licia Ronzulli (PPE) to the Commission. EU strategy for stemming the influx of counterfeit goods from China
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