Hangitava eseme eesmärk on toetada Põhikooli riiklikus õppekavas (edaspidi PRÕK) kirjeldatud eesti keele oskuse saavutamist ning eestikeelsele õppele üleminekut (st sh eestikeelset aineõpet) hangib Eesti Keele Instituut (edaspidi hankija) eesti keel teise keelena A2-keeleoskustaseme saavutamisek...
La présentation consultation porte sur le repérage des matériaux et produits contenant de l'amiante ou du plomb avant la réalisation des travaux ultérieurs et avant démolition....
Transporta pakalpojumu nodrošināšana Liepājas valstspilsētas pašvaldības iestādes “Liepājas Izglītības pārvalde” un tās padotībā esošo iestāžu vajadzībām...
The study provides technical assistance to the European Commission to specify and operationalise the derogations for the prohibition on the destruction of unsold apparel and footwear. Article 25(5) of the ESPR outlines potential reasons for these derogations, for the consumer products listed in ...
To successfully measure the environmental footprint of your product or organisation, you need reliable data from the correct sources. This factsheet explains what data you need and where to look for it, as you're getting started on your EF journey....
The report presents the development of an operational Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model into the JRC IMPACT Toolbox to support soil erosion modelling activities in Africa. The report first explains the background of the RUSLE model, its parameters and the criteria used to select...
Multistakeholder partnerships are essential to ensure that the green transition is not only environmentally sound and economically viable but also socially just. This policy brief investigates how relevant actors (national and regional authorities, the social partners and civil society organisat...
The annual Climate Action Progress Report is a good occasion to reflect on progress made in the last 12 months. This latest edition confirms that the EU is making good progress towards its climate goals, with significant emissions reductions. Net greenhouse gas emissions in the EU fell by a rema...