Publications Office of the EU
dg COMM's publications and online material for citizens - ELi väljaanded

DG COMM’s publications and online materials for citizens


Key publications and online resources to learn about Europe.

The European Commission's Directorate-General for Communication provides information about the EU and its policies to the public, including young people and teachers, using all media. The material it publishes ranges from The General Report on the Activities of the EU to information on topical policy issues such as gender equality, EU history, and travelling in Europe.

The publications and websites listed below are produced by the Editorial Service & Targeted Outreach Unit.


General information on the EU

The eu in slides webpageThe EU in slides contains visual material in the form of editable slides that explain various aspects of the EU, which could prove useful for teachers, speakers on EU issues, students and anyone interested in giving a presentation about the EU.



The history of the European Union websiteThe history of the European Union website presents, decade by decade, the milestones in the process of European integration.



General information on the EU

The EU in a nutshell

The EU in a nutshell


What is the European project? What does the EU do for us and how does it work ? This slide presentation will help you explain the basics of the EU, prepare the ground for discussions, and give you tips on how to stay in touch with the EU.


The EU for young people

The EU for young people

   Learning corner website

Online games, quizzes, learning and teaching materials focus on what the EU does, how it works, and the benefits it brings to European citizens. The educational material is aimed at the 5 - 18 year olds, their teachers and parents.


General Report on the activities of the EU

General Report on the activities of the EU

Posters and flyers

Posters and flyers


Policy documents

Policy documents

The EU for young people