Opening of tenders03/12/2024
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Acquisition of a case management system Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
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The Länsi-Uusimaa wellbeing services county (later also the Client) invites tenders for the procurement of a case management and decision-making system. The subject of the procurement is a case management and decision-making system as a software service (SaaS, “Software as a Service”), system support and maintenance services (“continuous service”), complementary expert services (further development of the system and other expert services) and a system implementation project. The system to be procured will be used by the entire Western Uusimaa wellbeing services county. The case management and decision-making system shall include at least the following functionalities and components of the system: - Case management - Document management - Decisions of office holders - Contract management - Information management - Workflow management - Search functions - Reporting - Contact information register - Production and management of meeting materials - Electronic meetings - Electronic publication of meeting materials and decisions - Electronic signature - Electronic services - Objectives of the procurement include: - A system that is as adaptable/flexible as possible to the needs of the Customer - A system that meets the requirements of the legislation - A system that enables the utilisation of artificial intelligence and automation in accordance with the Customer's requirements - Taking into account the Customer's future needs and the continuous development of the system The purpose of the case management and decision-making system is to promote digitalisation and enhance the Customer's operational activities by, for example, streamlining processes, utilising the system's automation and artificial intelligence. The user interface of the offered system must be bilingual (Finland and Sweden). Based on the competitive tendering process, the wellbeing services county of Western Uusimaa will select one (1) Supplier and one (1) Deputy Supplier. A more detailed description of the content of the contract can be found in Annex 1 to the invitation to tender. "Description of the subject of the contract". Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
72261000 - Software support services
72266000 - Software consultancy services
72267000 - Software maintenance and repair services
72262000 - Software development services
72263000 - Software implementation services
72210000 - Programming services of packaged software products
72268000 - Software supply services
48311000 - Document management software package
72212000 - Programming services of application software
72253200 - Systems support services
72228000 - Hardware integration consultancy services
Type: price
Description: Vertailuhintana on kokonaishinta. Tarjouksen kokonaishinta on Hintalomakkeelle (liite 3) annettujen yksikköhintojen perusteella automaattisesti laskettu vertailuhinta (Hintalomakkeen välilehdellä ”Vertailuhinta”). Kokonaishinta, enintään 40 vertailupistettä. Kokonaishinnaltaan halvin tarjous saa lopulliseen vertailuun 40 vertailupistettä. Muiden tarjousten vertailupisteet lasketaan seuraavasti: Tarjouksen vertailupistemäärä = edullisimman tarjouksen kokonaishinta (X) jaetaan asianomaisen tarjouksen hinnalla (Y) ja kerrotaan 40 vertailupisteellä. Laskukaava: X/Y * 40 vertailupistettä.
Weight (percentage, exact): 40
Type: quality
Description: Tarjouksen laatupisteet muodostuvat tarjouspyynnön liitteessä 1.1. "Tarjousten vertailuperusteet" ilmoitettujen kriteerien perusteella ja laatupisteiden maksimimäärä on 60 pistettä.
Weight (percentage, exact): 60
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