- indicates CPV codes deduced from the text of the procedure
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Management of municipal waste with codes 17 01 01, 17 01 07 in 2025 for the purpose of carrying out waste management activities by Zakład Gospodarki Wodno-Kanalizacyjna w Tomaszowie Mazowieckiego Sp. z o.o. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
1. The subject of the contract is the performance of a service consisting in the management of municipal waste with codes 17 01 01, 17 01 07, i.e. - 17 01 01 Waste concrete and concrete debris from demolition and repair - 315 Mg - 17 01 07 Mixed waste concrete, brick debris, waste ceramics and fittings other than those mentioned in code 17 01 06 - 75 Mg 2. The detailed scope and manner of implementation of the subject of the contract are specified in the provisions of this invitation to negotiate and the draft contract - Annex 2 to the invitation to negotiate. 3. Due to the nature of the contract, it is not possible to determine the exact amount of municipal waste to be managed in 2025 that is the subject of the contract. The amount of waste does not depend on the customer. The quantities of waste set out in the table should be considered as indicative quantities and for the correct valuation of the subject of the contract by the Contractors. The quantities determined are estimated and may change according to the actual needs of the Ordering Party due to, inter alia, the periodicity of municipal waste generation. 4. Quantities of waste are the amount calculated according to the collected amounts of waste from previous periods. The Ordering Party reserves the right to reduce or increase the amount of waste transferred in relation to calculations from previous periods, without the Contractor's right to compensation claims on this account. 5. The subject-matter of the contract shall be performed by the Contractor in accordance with: - the Act of 13 September 1996 on maintaining cleanliness and order in municipalities (Journal of Laws No. Journal of Laws 2024, item 399 as amended); - the Act of 14 December 2012 on waste (Journal of Laws No. Journal of Laws 2023, item 1587, 1597,1688, 1852 as amended); - Resolution No XXXVI/466/21 of the Lodz Regional Assembly of 28 September 2021 on the adoption of the Waste Management Plan for the Lodz Region for the years 2019-2025, taking into account the years 2026-2031. 6. Note: An economic operator holding an installation (for recovery and/or disposal in which it plans to recover and/or dispose of waste covered by this contract) outside the territory of the Republic of Poland should present a permit (when signing the contract) equivalent to a decision for management (treatment), i.e. recovery and/or disposal of waste issued in the country where the installation is located. 7. Specific obligations of the Contractor - with regard to the delivery of waste: 1) The delivery of waste will be carried out by the Purchaser's vehicles. The list of these vehicles will be communicated to the Contractor and will be updated on an ongoing basis. 2) The delivery of waste shall be documented by the Contractor. Each entry will be registered and confirmed by a document containing the date of transport, type, code and weight of waste, vehicle registration number and supplier identification data, i.e. the name and address of the company's registered office. A copy of the above-mentioned document is received by the driver of the waste supplier during the delivery of each batch of waste. 3) The accepted waste must be weighed each time on a legalized weight. The weighing must be attested by the issue of a weighing voucher. 4) The Contractor shall inform the Ordering Party about any failures of the installation, stoppages in the reception of waste, changes in the functioning of the installation resulting from reasons beyond the Contractor's control, restrictions resulting from decisions of supervisory authorities within 24 hours from the moment of occurrence of events, restrictions, stoppages. 8. Detailed obligations of the Contractor - in the field of waste registration and settlement: 1) Any quantity of waste actually delivered by the Ordering Party shall be recorded by the Contractor. The records shall include: the quantity of waste, the registration number of the vehicle delivering the waste, the specific waste code and the date of delivery of the waste. 2) The waste acceptance will be confirmed by a waste transfer card approved in the Waste Database system. 3) The Contractor shall provide the Ordering Party with all required reports specified in the applicable regulations on waste management, within the deadlines specified in these regulations. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
90500000 - Refuse and waste related services
90510000 - Refuse disposal and treatment CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
Type: price
Description: 100%
Weight (percentage, exact):
Postal address:
Town: Rawa Mazowiecka
Postal code: 96-200
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