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Project drafting service and optional management of the remodeling works and enhancement of the southern access to the town of Alcalá de Guadaíra (C-2024/047) - EU tenders
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Project drafting service and optional management of the remodeling works and enhancement of the southern access to the town of Alcalá de Guadaíra (C-2024/047) Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated

  • Published
  • Deadline
  • Today
  • Opening of tenders
Submission closed
Type of contract
Subject for Renewal
Junta de Gobierno Local del Ayuntamiento de Alcalá de Guadaíra
Place of performance
NUTS code: Multiple place of performance
Location of buyer
NUTS code: ES618 Sevilla
Business sector (Main CPV)
71242000 Project and design preparation, estimation of costs
Total estimated contract value (excluding VAT)
234,248.68 EUR
Total final contract value (excluding VAT)
Not available
Tender reference number

In recent decades the sector of the historic center of Alcalá de Guadaíra closest to the banks of the Guadaíra River has been the subject of a series of actions, whether urban or architectural, aimed at rescuing an urban area in the process of degradation and, above all, to value the numerous natural and heritage elements that this area treasures. In this line were framed the remodeling of the Plaza del Perejil and the Plaza del Duque, the restoration of the Puente de Jesús Nazareno or the construction of the Public Library, to name just a few. And more recently can be cited the remodeling of Calle Ntra. Mrs. del Águila, the rehabilitation of the Mill of the Mine and the construction (still in execution) of the underground parking and the public square of Nicolás Alpériz Street. The common objective of all these actions is their urban requalification, understood in a broad sense: improving infrastructure such as paving and lighting, removing barriers to universal accessibility, promoting a friendly environment for pedestrians and pedestrians, implementing environmental and social sustainability criteria, enhancing and integrating heritage, urban, landscape and environmental values, etc. In this contract, and within the same line, a project is addressed for the requalification of a series of public spaces located between the southern edge of the historic center of Alcalá and the banks of the Guadaíra River and the Guadaíra River. It is a space of great importance because it is the crossing point, not only historical but also current, of the river and represents, in some way, the southern "door" of the old town of Alcalar. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated

Submission Method
Not available
Tenders may be submitted
Electronic submission: required
Information about a public contract, a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system (DPS)
Not available
Conditions for opening tenders (date)
31/01/2025 08:30
Place of performance
Award method
Type: quality
Description: Experiencia acreditada de los Técnicos adscritos al contrato.
Weight (percentage, exact): 20
Type: price
Description: Oferta económica.
Weight (percentage, exact): 35
Type: quality
Description: Análisis efectuado de los problemas y de las oportunidades presentes en la zona y la síntesis del diagnóstico.
Weight (percentage, exact): 10
Type: quality
Description: Calidad de los diseños propuestos para los ámbitos menores y más concretos.
Weight (percentage, exact): 15
Type: quality
Description: Ordenación general propuesta.
Weight (percentage, exact): 20
Estimated value
234,248.68 EUR
Final contracted value
Not available
Award of contract
Not available
Prior information
Footnote - legal notice

This content published on this page is meant purely as an additional service and has no legal effect. The Union's institutions do not assume any liability for its contents. The official versions of the relevant tendering notices are those published in the Supplement of Official Journal of the European Union and available in TED. Those official texts are directly accessible through the links embedded in this page. For more information please see Public Procurement Explainability and Liability notice.