Opening of tenders24/02/2025
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‘Receipt and management of municipal waste from PSZOK and equipment of PSZOK’ divided into 7 parts Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
The subject of the contract is the service entitled: ‘Receipt and management of municipal waste from PSZOK and equipment of PSZOK’, divided into 7 parts. The contracting authority in accordance with Art. 1 of the Public Procurement Act awards the contract in parts and allows the submission of partial tenders (the contractor is entitled to submit a tender for any number of parts of the contract), as follows: Lot 1 of the contract: 1. Part 1 of the contract concerns the collection and management of the following fractions of municipal waste from PSZOK and the equipment of PSZOK with containers indicated in the SWZ and the draft contract. 2. Under lot 1 of the contract, the contractor will be obliged to collect and manage the following fractions of municipal waste from PSZOK: 1) paper – anticipated quantity: 44 Mg (minimum benefit 10 Mg), 2) metals, plastics, multi-material packaging waste – anticipated quantity: 53 Mg (minimum benefit 10 Mg), 3) glass – anticipated quantity: 25 Mg (minimum benefit size 5 Mg), Lot 2 of the order: 1. Part 2 of the contract concerns the collection and management of the following fractions of municipal waste from PSZOK and the equipment of PSZOK with containers indicated in the SWZ and in the draft contract. 2. Under lot 2 of the contract, the contractor will be obliged to collect and manage the following fractions of municipal waste from PSZOK: 1) bio-waste – anticipated quantity: 173 Mg (minimum benefit 70 Mg), 2) furniture and other bulky waste – anticipated quantity: 584 Mg (minimum benefit of 200 Mg). Lot 3 of the contract: 1. Part 3 of the contract concerns the collection and management of the following fractions of municipal waste from PSZOK. 2. Under lot 3 of the contract, the contractor will be obliged to collect and manage the following fractions of municipal waste from PSZOK: waste electrical and electronic equipment – anticipated quantity: 44 Mg (minimum benefit amount of 10 Mg). Lot 4 of the order: 1. The subject of lot 4 of the contract is the collection and management of the fractions of municipal waste from PSZOK specified below and the equipment of PSZOK with containers indicated in the SWZ and the draft contract. 2. Under lot 4 of the contract, the contractor will be obliged to collect and manage the following fractions of municipal waste from PSZOK: Household construction and demolition waste – projected quantity: 464 Mg (minimum benefit amount of 100 Mg). Part 5 of the order: 1. The subject of lot 5 of the contract is the collection and management of the fractions of municipal waste from PSZOK specified below and the equipment of PSZOK with containers indicated in the SWZ and the draft contract. 2. Under lot 5 of the contract, the contractor will be obliged to collect and manage the following fractions of municipal waste from PSZOK: Textile and garment waste – anticipated quantity: 20 Mg (minimum benefit of 2 Mg). Lot 6 of the contract: 1. Part 6 of the contract concerns the collection and management of the following fractions of municipal waste from PSZOK and the equipment of PSZOK in the containers indicated in the SWZ and the draft contract. 2. Under lot 6 of the contract, the contractor will be obliged to collect and manage the following fractions of municipal waste from PSZOK: (1) Hazardous waste – anticipated quantity: 40 kg, 2) expired medicines and chemicals – anticipated quantity: 20 kg, 3) waste ineligible for medical waste generated in the household as a result of taking medicinal products in the form of injections and monitoring the level of substances in the blood, in particular needles and syringes – anticipated quantity: 5 kg, 4) waste batteries and accumulators – anticipated quantity: 30 kg. Minimum total amount of benefit: 30 kg of waste Part 7 of the order: 1. The subject of lot 7 of the contract is the collection and management of the fractions of municipal waste from PSZOK specified below and the equipment of PSZOK with containers indicated in the SWZ and the draft contract. 2. Under lot 7 of the contract, the contractor will be obliged to collect and manage the following fractions of municipal waste from PSZOK: Tyres worn out – anticipated quantity: 66 Mg (minimum benefit amount of 20 Mg). Based on Art. 1 point 7 of the Public Procurement Act, the Contracting Authority provides that within 3 years from the date of award of the basic contract (in respect of all 7 lots), it will be entitled to award a direct contract to the Contractor selected in the course of the present public procurement procedure, consisting in the repetition of services similar to those covered by the contract in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, the value of which will not exceed 60% of the value of the basic contract. The Contractor shall remain bound by the tender until 24 May 2025. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
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