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Maintenance of the green areas along the banks of the Seine and the former cemetery of the municipality of Bezons (95870) Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
A consultation with the number 2428 concerning the "maintenance of the green spaces of the municipality of Bezons (95870)" was launched on June 25, 2024. This consultation was divided into three (3) separate lots, in accordance with the provisions of Article L2113-10 of the Public Procurement Code, Lot 1 entitled: "Maintenance of the banks of the Seine and the old cemetery", was declared unsuccessful for lack of candidacy and offer submitted within the prescribed deadlines. Lot 2 entitled: ‘Maintenance of parks, gardens and other green areas’ was also declared unsuccessful for failure to submit an application and offer within the prescribed deadline. A new consultation number 2438 on ‘Maintenance of green areas in the municipality of Bezons (95870)’ was launched on 23 September 2024. This consultation was divided into two (2) separate lots, in accordance with the provisions of Article L2113-10 of the Public Procurement Code, Lot 1 entitled: "Maintenance of the banks of the Seine and the old cemetery", was declared unsuccessful for lack of candidacy and offer submitted within the prescribed deadlines. The purpose of this public contract is to provide maintenance services for the green areas along the banks of the Seine and the former cemetery of the commune of Bezons (95870). Pursuant to Article L2113-13 of the Public Procurement Code, this contract is reserved for integration structures through economic activity mentioned in Article L5132-4 of the Labour Code and equivalent structures, when they employ a minimum proportion, fixed by regulation, of disadvantaged workers. The contract takes the form of a composite public contract, comprising a flat-rate share and a purchase order share. The flat-rate part corresponds to regular maintenance services and the part with purchase orders corresponds to specific maintenance services, in accordance with the provisions of Articles R.2162-1 to R.2162-6, R.2162-13 and R.2162-14 of the Public Order Code. The amounts for the part with purchase orders are as follows: - no minimum amount per period; - with a maximum amount per period of EUR 60 000 excluding VAT. The contracting authority will issue, according to its needs, one or more order form(s), during the performance of the public contract, in compliance with the maximum amount fixed for it. This contract will be concluded from its date of notification to the contractor by electronic means for a period of one (1) year, renewable three (3) times tacitly for the same period, i.e. four (4) years maximum, in accordance with the provisions of articles L.2125-1 paragraph 1 and R.2112-4 of the Public Order Code. In the event that the residual amount of the current period does not allow an order to be placed, the contracting authority may decide to terminate the framework agreement on grounds of public interest under the conditions laid down in this document or to renew it early. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Type: price
Description: Critère n°1 : prix, apprécié au regard des sous-critères infra. - Sous-critère n° 1 : apprécié au regard du montant global et forfaitaire indiqué au sein du Cadre de Réponse Financière (C.R.F), sur 35 points ; - Sous-critère n° 2 : apprécié au regard du montant du Détail Quantitatif Estimatif (non communiqué aux candidats), établi à partir des prix unitaires indiqués dans le Cadre de Réponse Financières (C.R.F), sur 5 points.
Weight (percentage, exact): 40
Type: quality
Description: Critère n°2 : Valeur technique, appréciée au regard des sous-critères infra. - Sous-critère n° 1 : La méthodologie d'intervention et de réalisation des prestations, et les techniques privilégiées pour procéder à l'entretien des espaces verts, sur 20 points ; - Sous-critère n° 2 : Les moyens humains mis à disposition ainsi que l'encadrement et le tutorat mis en place pour l'exécution des prestations, sur 10 points ; - Sous-critère n° 3 : Les moyens matériels dédiés à l'exécution du marché, sur 5 points.
Weight (percentage, exact): 35
Type: quality
Description: Critère n°3: Mesures prises pour respecter les délais d'intervention et fréquences des prestations, appréciées au regard des éléments indiqués dans le cadre de Mémoire Technique (C.M.T.).
Weight (percentage, exact): 15
Type: quality
Description: Critère n°4 : Valeur environnementale, appréciée au regard des éléments indiqués dans le cadre de Mémoire Technique (C.M.T.).
Weight (percentage, exact): 10
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