Opening of tenders23/01/2025
- indicates CPV codes deduced from the text of the procedure
Single wafer plasma asher tool
Note: Not all information for this procedure were successfully computed. Please consult linked documents for more details.
The object of the tender process is Single wafer plasma asher tool (later also “Equipment”). The procurement object is a new 200 mm Single Wafer Plasma asher tool for the VTT Micronova cleanroom semiconductor front end. The procurement includes a process chamber for Polymer Removal and PR ash. The single-wafer plasma asher tool is for silicon semiconductor front-end, the tool must be compatible with industry-standard cleanroom requirements, including automated wafer handling, welded gas lines with VCR-gasket construction, particle filters, etc., and CE-compliant, with Emergency shutdown, capable processing of 200 mm including the following processes: Polymer removal PR ash (bulk strip, HDIS, Descums) The Single wafer asher tool will be used in silicon photonics devices, quantum devices, radiation detectors, and MEMS devices, which are the main product lines in the research fab. The object of the tender process is described in more detail in the invitation to tender documents.
38000000 - Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)
42990000 - Miscellaneous special-purpose machinery CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
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