Opening of tenders03/03/2025
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School transport Schule am Dachsberg 2025-2029 Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Student transport of the school on the Dachsberg with associated day care, boarding school and dormitory care. The contract covers the transport of visually impaired, blind, physically disabled and mostly multi-disabled children, adolescents and young adults of the Rückersdorf Institute for the Blind in the period from 01.09.2025 to 31.08.2029. The pupils of the school with its affiliated day care centre are to be transported every school day according to the school's holiday plan on the Dachsberg and during the holiday opening. Currently, 117 pupils are transported daily on a total of 186 school days with 37 lines, and the transport service currently comprises 23 journey days during school holidays.In addition, 12 supervised persons are currently transported in a further 4 lines or integrated into the existing lines from the residential/internal area usually weekly or 14-days on Mondays and Fridays to the residential area connected to the school or home. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
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