Opening of tenders04/02/2025
Marine Multichannel Seismic System
Note: Not all information for this procedure were successfully computed. Please consult linked documents for more details.
GTK intends to procure a Multichannel Seismic system for marine geological surveys conducted mainly on GTK’s survey vessel in the Baltic Sea environment. The system consists of a Source, a Streamer, and a Depth Control system. The offer may contain one or several items, which will be weighted and evaluated independently. Part 1: SOURCE Description: Impulsive seismic sound source operated with pressurized air. Part 2: STREAMER Description: A multichannel seismic (MCS) streamer with 1 meter spaced single hydrophone channels. Part 3: DEPTH CONTROL Description: Streamer depth control system for 96-channel MCS streamer system The delivery address for all supplies is incoterms 2020 DDP at GTK, Keimola warehouse Vestrantie 2C, 01750 Vantaa, Finland.
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