Opening of tenders06/02/2025
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Access Control Service in the Municipal Markets of Malaga. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
The municipal markets require for their normal operation that an opening and closing service be carried out and access control of the people who access them. It is also necessary to control the access outside the hours to the public, to facilitate the entry of merchants to supply the stalls, as well as other necessary tasks, such as cleaning and necessary repairs. This service is essential for the proper functioning of municipal markets. The operation and maintenance of the Municipal Markets is a "own competence" of the municipalities, of mandatory compliance, as established in Article 25(2)(i) of Law 7/1985, of 2 April, Regulating the Bases of Local Regime. The Area of Commerce, Management of the Public Road and Promotion of Business Activity is entrusted with the regularization of commercial activity that takes place in the units of municipal property built or authorized for that purpose and the administrative and technical management of municipal markets. This service is suitable to be able to guarantee the objective pursued, which is to control and facilitate access to the Municipal Markets for users, traders and other service providers of those markets, in accordance with the provisions of the technical specifications.ā Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Type: quality
Weight (percentage, exact): 30
Type: price
Weight (percentage, exact): 70
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